Rooster's POV
I wake up and Jake is already getting ready. I stare at him and he says "morning, babydoll." I smile saying "morning" and I get up, throwing shorts on and a Hawaiian shirt not bothering to button it up. Jake says "come here."

He buttons up my shirt a few buttons on the bottom saying "you're so hot but I can't take you out with your shirt unbuttoned." I chuckle saying "I'll let you leave you're all the way unbuttoned if you let me leave mine." Jake says "deal" unbuttoning my shirt.

I smile saying "I love you" and he says "I love you too, babydoll." He kisses me saying "I don't think I'll have any self control today." I say "if you keep it all day maybe I'll give you something." He says "sounds like a deal." We grab our aviators and he says "you are too hot to be around me right now." I chuckle and we go down to the beach.

We meet Phoenix on the way and she says "how was your double date last night?" I say "it was good. The ladies planned it. I think they just wanted us to take them on a romantic date and we didn't offer, so now I feel bad." Jake says "I didn't pick that up" and I say "well, you're stupid, so obviously you didn't pick it up."

Phoenix says "so, no ex girlfriends?" Jake says "no. We're good. Some of us have a guilty conscious" looking at me. I say "I do not. I'm actually nice." He rolls his eyes at me. I mumble "you're my sweetheart" winking at him.

Phoenix says "what are they doing?" All the guys are already there playing football but both teams have a ball. Jake says "this is my kind of football. I want to be center." I say " did you ever play?" Jake says "yeah" and I say "what position?"

Jake says "everything but the line. Mostly QB." I say "you really are certified asshole stereotype." He says "at least I didn't go to school for business or finance." I say "did you ever even go to school cause you seem to have missed elementary and middle." Jake says "shut up" chuckling. We get over there and Pete says "up late?"

Jake says "girlfriends were in town" and Pete says "so up all night" and Jake says "had to pry them off of us so we weren't out all night." Pete says "where'd you go?" I say "wine tasting then dinner." Pete says "let me guess, that was the girls idea?" I nod and Jake says "definitely."

We get out playing football till the sunsets and I feel bonded to these people like I never have before. I let myself stare at Jake as we walk into Pennys bar, us all putting our shirts on. I walk up to the bar and stand next to my beautiful sweaty boyfriend.

He sees me and says "two beers please. Both on my tab" and Penny says "sure thing. You guys seemed to have fun today." She hands us our drinks and I say "yeah, I think we all needed it" quietly. Jake says "especially pops over there" and Pete says "he got laid and now he's getting cocky."

I say "Mav, he's always been like that. You clearly haven't read our resumes." We drink our beers and we just chill until we all decide to go back. We go into our room and Jake mumbles "I love you" kissing my neck and I say "can you do this after we shower please? I feel gross" quietly and he says "you are free game when I get out of the shower also."

I say "as soon as I get out. Whatever you want." I go to shower and Jake smirks saying "mmm, I love you. My favorite sweaty boy." I say "glad we can be each others favorite sweaty boys." I kiss him, him mumbling "love me back." I say "I love you too, babe" chuckling.

He mumbles "come on, babydoll" squeezing my hand and we go to the locker room. We go in and Jake says "time to wash all the sand out of our crevices." I laugh saying "shut up. You seriously had to say that?"

Bob says "gross" and I say "we're all doing it, it's just the fact he said it" chuckling. I shower and Jake gets out after me saying "I'm turning in for the night. I'm tired. Y'all wear me out." I bite my lip then I finish up, going back to my room saying "night everybody."

I lay in Jakes bed, his bed smelling of his cologne and a little bit of after shave. I say "Jake" and he says "hm?" I say "I'm free game" and he says "yay!" I say "my beautiful attention whore of a boyfriend" and he lays on top of me, his head on my stomach.

He kisses my hip softly and mumbles "I love you" and I say "I love you too." I rub his back and he eventually falls asleep like that making me smile. His arms wrapped tightly around me and I rung fingers through his damp hair.

I take a video saying "my attention whore boyfriend. Look how adorable he is. I'm gonna marry this boy one day. This mission that this program is sending us on is definitely a death mission and I hope we either both come out or neither come out. Sick thought for wanting us both to die but I don't know what I'd do without him. Even after so much time of really getting to know him but this boy told me if you love someone, let them know. If he was gone and I wasn't, I'd be scared to end up like my mom. If I die, I'd end up just like my dad, and I'd feel like a failure for eternity. What have I become?" I shut the video off. I just sob my eyes out, Jake wrapping his arms around me tighter even though he's still asleep, just making me cry harder.

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