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Rooster's POV
We get back to base and we grab different clothes and get in the shower. I bite my lip, looking him up and down, and he says "come here, babydoll." I walk toward him, pushing him against the cold shower wall.

He mumbles "fuck." I pin his hands against the tile next to his head and I hear our rings clink against the tile. We smile and our rings keep hitting the tile as we do our thing between showering and making out.

Jake mumbles "that's so hot" smiling at me and I kiss him. We finish up and we get dressed to go out. He says "I'm gonna go bask in my glory. Bye, babydoll." I say "I'll be around, I have to go speak to someone. I love you." Jake says "love you too, doll face."

I go to the Vice Admirals office saying "just wanted to let you know I was sorry for not following orders."Cyclone says "I really don't appreciate you doing that but you helped to save the life of everyone's favorite cockroach." I chuckle saying "thank you, sir."

He says "go celebrate. You did well today, Rooster." I smile saying "thank you" nodding then I leave to go the bar. I go in and a bunch of people cheer making me smile and chuckle. I smile, going over to Jake, and the crew. He says "as I live and breathe." I tip my aviators at him and Jake says "man of the hour right here."

They chuckle and I say "that's all you, babe" smiling and Phoenix and I walk over to the bar. She says "whatever this guy wants, put it on my tab." Penny says "man of the hour, huh?" I say "only a bit" smiling and she says "was that ring there before?"

I blush saying "no" and she says "who gave that to you?" Phoenix says "he has a girlfriend." I say "in my defense, that was a lie." Jake walks over and I say "some guy gave it to me, cute right?" Penny says "I love the matte black, it's sexy."

I smile saying "thank you. Phoenix says "boy, we have lots to talk about." I say "for sure" and Jake says "I love being called some guy, ya know, Penny? Like I'm much more than that." Penny says "you get used to it" and Phoenix says "what?! Nope. I'm in denial" making me chuckle.

I say "me too" and Jake says "you're the one that wanted this" gesturing to himself making me chuckle. Phoenix says "wait, you just got married? That's where you two went?" I chuckle and I nod and she says "we have to tell the people."

She says "Penny, can I stand on your bar?" She chuckles saying "sure." Phoenix gets on the bar and says "I wanted to let everyone know that two of my best friends got married today and they're in the house tonight! Congratulate them and buy them a drink! They are amazing people that everyone should be friends with and make a really great team. So, yeah! Buy them drinks till they can't stand cause they deserve it after all the getting married they did today!"

People cheer and the Top Gun crew comes over and Bob says "whiskey shots for my crew, Penny! As many as you can give us!" I smile saying "thanks, Bob." He says "so, you actually got married?" I say "yeah" and he says "I'm happy for you, not for you but definitely for you, Bradshaw." I chuckle saying "has anyone told you you're cute, Bob? You really are in a childlike way."

Penny gives us a tray and we sit down at a big round table, Mav joining us. I say "there has to be someone here who can't shoot whiskey." Jake says "ok, Carrie Underwood. I bet it's you." I say "if anything it's you, maybe you're a poser. Are you really from Texas?"

A girl walks over saying "where the hell else could he be from? Georgia?" I say "girlfriend, sit down. Want one?" She says "can I?" I say "sure, why not" and Jake says "ok. She the one that can't shoot whiskey." The girl says "fucking watch me."

We all grab one and I say "cheers, everybody. Do we want to be cliche and say to love?" They all nod and we say "to love" us doing our shots. I look at Jake and he says "if you don't break at all after that, you are ready for Texas, babydoll." I say "I've been shooting whiskey since age twenty one." Maverick says "and who did that with you?" I laugh saying "Iceman" and we all laugh. Phoenix says "those last two are for the lovebirds" and I say "do you want us to do the arm thing too?"

She says "I'll take a picture" and we pick it up and we weave our arms together. Jake says "move a little closer" and I do then we take it, our table cheering. The new girl says "Jake, why haven't I met this gorgeous man yet? Mommas gonna kill you, buddy." I say "she thinks I'm gorgeous" and Jake says "he's coming with me when I go back home tomorrow. She'll meet him then. No one was invited to the wedding, so don't take it personal. Doll, I tell you you're gorgeous all the time. She's not special."

The girl says "you got married?!" Jake says "yeah, like two hours ago." I say "enough, you two. I'm Bradley" and the girl says "Harper." Payback says "I gotta get my boys a round" and we get another round of shots. I smile saying "glad I walked here cause I might have to be carried back."

Jake says "lightweight." I say "we've been over this" chuckling. I say "if I get hammered, don't let me do anything stupid." We do another round or two of shots. Jake and I doing six and the rest doing three. They ordered enough for us to have two per tray and everyone have one per tray.

I say "I'm drunk officially" and Jake says "me too." We all chuckle and Jake says "get up, I want to see how bad it is" us laughing then I stand up, letting him stand up.

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