Chapter 22|Two keys

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"Do you think they'll be alright?" Asked Andromeda looking at her old aunt.

The old woman frowned for a moment or two, making her wrinkles even more prominent upon her sagging skin.

"One can't be too sure." She replied and quickly moved her stubby legs towards the door and stopped, turning towards the three women she exclaimed, "Come on now, we haven't got time to lose!"

They headed back to the temple of Baal and stood at the entrance.

"I'm not going in there." Said the old lady, scrunching her nose.

"Wait outside," said Vatsala looking at Danaë and Andromeda who held Perses hand. "I'll take a look inside."

With that, she quickly ran up the stairs and looked around the temple. The great worship hall was empty and silent, she could hear her footsteps as it echoed every time she placed her foot on the floor.

Going closer to the huge statue of the god, she placed her hand on its leg and tried to push it.

There goes nothing, she thought and began pressing her palms against the walls to check for an opening, a secret locker... anything that would help them find the next clue.

Unable to find anything, she knelt on the floor and placed her ear close to the tile and knocked on it. She shook her head and continued to do the same to each tile until she finally gave up and stepped out of the temple.

"So!?" Asked Danaë eagerly.

"No one's here and neither is there a single clue." She replied as she made her way to the bottom of the stairs.

"I hope they haven't become a sacrifice to Baal." Mumbled Andromeda.

She immediately earned a knock on her head as her aunt grumbled, "Baal enjoys infant blood and flesh, not fully grown men's stale stinking bodies."

Vatsala, Danaë and Andromeda burst into giggles. Although the situation was serious and they had no idea where the men were, the old woman's sarcasm was something that could lighten the pensive mood.

The men continued to wander across the bustling market place

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The men continued to wander across the bustling market place. They appeared lost and confused to the locals who eyed them with a mix of suspicion and amusement.

"Where are you'll headed?" Asked one of the merchants.

"Eer...we don't speak the language of this land..." Muttered Pyrrhus in whatever broken mix of Hebrew he managed.

"Achean?" He asked sceptically.

"Yes." Nodded Perseus immediately.

"Tha psáxeis gia káti; (Are you'll looking for something?)"

"Echoume chatheí (We are lost)" Replied Perseus. "We aren't too sure where exactly we are headed either."

"Percy!" Exclaimed Andromeda and ran towards the three men.

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