Chapter 24|God or serpent?

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Shielding their eyes from the burning sunlight, Andromeda and Perses careened their necks gazing at the mountain tops.

"Are we going to scale the mount?" Asked Perses.

"No." Sighed his mother, glancing down at her son. "We'll have to look for some caves or...I don't know, something..."

Quietly the duo began climbing a little higher. The steep slope and the jagged rocks made it close to impossible to climb up without a proper gear.

The mother and son duo, panted and finally sat on one of the jutted rocks. Sweating profusely and panting heavily, Andromeda said, "This was a bad idea."

"Papa is going to kill us...." Mumbled Perses.

"I know...." She sighed shaking her head.

Just then, Perses noticed a small cave, tiny enough for him to crawl into. Without a second thought, he rose from the rock he was seated on and rushed towards the cave.

"Where are you going!" Exclaimed Andromeda running towards him.

But Perses, wriggled into the little cave, luckily the sunlight seemed to seep into the cave from the porous rocks it was made of.

He noticed an urn, small and covered in sand.

"Are you alright?" Asked Andromeda from outside, wondering why there was so much silence.

"Yes!" He shouted and dusted the sand off the urn and out popped two keys. Immediately grabbing them, he wriggled out and handed the keys to his mother.

Dusting the sand off the keys, it sparkled in gold against the rays of the sun.

"Good job Perses..." She smiled, running her hand over the boys sand filled hair. "Let's head back now...."

He smiled nodding his little head. Out of nowhere, an arrow whizzed by and hit the boy on his right shoulder.

"PERSES!" She screamed holding the child in her arms.

"KILL THEM...AND TAKE THOSE KEYS!" The loud roar echoed from the foot of the mountain.

There they were, the cult, masked and armed with several weapons. They began racing up the mountain. Immediately, grabbing the injured child in her arms she began struggling to run, but the jagged rocks made it tough.

One of the assassin's jumped in front of her and swung the sword close to her throat. Ducking down, she swiftly avoided it and raised her leg, kicking the man straight down the mountain.

She continued to run across the ledges and another assassin sprang in front of her with a whip in his hand.

"The keys..." He growled.

"If I hand them over....will you leave?" She asked, her eyes blurring with tears.

"Yes. I promise." Said the man, dropping the whip and raising his hands. "The keys."

Andromeda clutched the keys tightly in her hand and began holding it towards the man. Her hand was trembling with fear.

The boy in her arms looked at his mother with blur eyes and then at the assassin's eyes that sparkled in evil delight. Moving from his mother's arms, he broke the arrow on his bleeding shoulder.

Just before the assassin could snatch the keys from Andromeda's hands, Perses grabbed the four keys and jumped off the mountain.

"PERSES..." She screamed as she watched her son fall, until he completely disappeared from her sight. What the hell! What is happening? Why did he....what is happening....?

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