Chapter 8|To death and beyond

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Seek not what's not meant to be sought.

Vatsala woke up with a start, she found herself in a warm little hut. The walls of the house were inlayed with backed red bricks. The flooring of the hut was made of wood and was warm on her feet. She noticed a black kettle over a fireplace and then got off the bed. The walls weren't bare, but were dotted with frames of paintings. 

You're up!" Exclaimed a voice from behind her.

She spun around in fright and peered at his face and gasped in horror. She fell to the floor on her haunches and began breathing hard. 

"I'm not a ghost." He explained.

" in that are alive?" She stammered.

"Some answers are best not known." He replied as he walked over to the fireplace. Taking the little black kettle, he poured its contents into a glass and handed it to the astounded girl. "Drink, it will give you the energy you require."

"I need answers!" She demanded, standing up from the floor. "How exactly are you alive Angraj, and what place is this?"

An audible sigh escaped his lips as he said, "Look kid, I'm not Angraj..."

"Are you kidding me!" She exclaimed. "You are him!"

An exhausted sigh escaped his lips.
"Kid, thank your stars you didn't die there. What if I hadn't gotten in time?"

"To hell with that!" She exclaimed and removed the book from the foldings of her clothes.

Holding it up she said, "You wrote this book, just tell me what's in it."

He gazed at the book and then looked at the girl saying, "I never wrote this book and the one who comissioned it, died in that battle."

"What nonsense are you...."

"Kid," he interjected, "if this is your destiny, then...look for four men from various countries."

"Huh? Wh...what does that...."

He simply walked out of the house and she ran behind him, he kept walking and suddenly she was all alone in a forest. She looked around in utter confusion and found herself surrounded by tall trees. She ran behind and searched for the house, but couldn't find it.


Hearing the shout from behind her, she turned and mumbled, "Mayasur?"

The dark bulky man ran to the young girl and exclaimed, "You were missing for three days!"

"But I was hardly gone for an hour!" She replied. "I saw Angraj Karn, he's alive!"

Maysur and Dundhubi glanced at each other for a moment.

"You are exhausted, discombobulated and afraid, you are just imagining things!" Exclaimed Mayasur looking pitifully at the girl.

"No I'm...."

"That's enough Vatsala." Roared Balram's irked voice from behind them. 

The young girl, closed her eyes in frustration; the last thing she wanted was to deal with her grandfather right now. Balram marched ahead, took hold of his grand daughters wrist and dragged her. 

He stopped for a moment and looked at Mayasur saying, "Pranam." Saying that, he dragged her all the way to the dock. 

Balram paid the man their fair for the voyage and boarded the vessel. Vatsala stood silently near the railing of the ship. She watched Anga go by as the ship began moving over the calm waters of the Brahmaputras. 

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