Chapter 18|The land of mysticism

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"Are we going to find the answers we want?" Asked Andromeda as she watched the servants pack a few clothes into cloth bags.

Perseus who was leaning against a pillar and gazing at the city just below the palace, turned his attention towards his wife replying, "Let's hope for the best."

"What about Argos?" She asked, getting off the edge of the bed and standing beside him.

"I've left that to the counsel of ministers. They are from Athens so...they know the functioning of the government better than I do." He sighed.

After a short pause, he said, "You should stay back here with Perses."

"Absolutely not!" She exclaimed. "We'll all go together and finish this once and for all."

"It's hopeless arguing with you." Concluded Perseus, holding her by her shoulders. Exiting the chamber, he went to Ashwatthama who was in his chamber.

"Théos, why don't you...stay back and take care of Argos." Suggested Perseus.

"And why exactly must I do that?" Scowled the old man.

"Well...umm... because you're old."

"WHAT!" Thundered Ashwatthama, almost running behind a frightened Perseus who dashed out of the chamber. "I'LL TEACH WHO WHO'S OLD, COME HERE."

"SORRY....." Shouted Perseus rushing back into his chamber grumbling, "Why don't people just accept they are old...."

"Théos may look old, but he's still one of the most strongest man I've seen in Achea." Said Andromeda.

"Andromeda...." He chided.

"Ah...I'll just check up on the servants." She chirped and skipped out of the chamber.

With Argos safely under the senate of Athens, they left Mesopotamia.

Perseus stood by the railings of the ship gazing at the mount Olympus. The sky was a bright blue, as seagulls fluttered and swooped into the water. The breeze was pleasant, but each of their faces were contorted with fear and anxiousness.

They had no idea what they were after. They had no idea if they'd return home in one piece. They simply embarked on their mission with a hope of settling their unsettled lives once and for all.

"It's going to be fine." Reassured Andromeda, gently placing her hand on Perseus shoulder.

Managing a faint smile he nodded at her and then looked at Vatsala saying, "Tell me something about my childhood and how your home country is now."

Vatsala glanced at Ashwatthama hesitantly for a moment; but the old brahmin nodded in agreement.

"Your father was Angraj Karn and your mother- Vrushali. You were the youngest of the siblings. In that war... everyone died except you and pitamaha Ashwatthama." She sighed and slowly continued with few details of the war.

Reminiscing an old painful memory made the old warrior tear up. He could clearly remember the death of his beloved friends as if it were yesterday.

Now that he looked back at his youthful days, he realised that the entire battle was useless and futile. Perhaps, another solution could've been thought of instead of a massacre.

"Today Aryavarta is just...." She paused and shrugged not knowing what to say. "It still functions, I can say."

Perseus nodded wondering, why did my father even begin this nonsense in the first place?

"We're here..." Said Pyrrhus, narrowing his eyes to the sunlight that glistened upon the stone walls and gates of the magnificent city.

It was unlike Achea. The land was yellow-red and hot, the blue waters pristine and cool, the golden walls baked against the heat of the sun as their ship came to a halt just outside the city gates.

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