Chapter 28|The last Anunaki

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Walking across the jungles, they stopped by a river. The clear cool crystal water seemed to refresh the travellers.

Ashwatthama scrambled up the hillock and peered into the sun shone distance. A tiny scowl etched his face as he noticed a dark shadow hide behind the trees. It had an ominous presence about it and he quickly rushed to the rest of the group saying, "We need to run."

"Run?" Groaned Andromeda, keeping her hand on her pregnant belly. Her feet ached with fatigue and she knew she could proceed no further.

"We are being followed and very soon there'll probably be many more and we won't be able to fight." Insisted Ashwatthama with a sense of urgency in his voice.

Pyrrhus glanced at Perseus who appeared thoughtful for a moment and then rest of the group members who were awaiting his decision.

"Thèos, you should take Andromeda and rush ahead ahead." He said in a firm voice.

"What!" Exclaimed Andromeda in astonishment. "I'm not leaving you."

"Just do as I'm saying." Snarled Perseus in a hurry. Stepping closer to her he thrust the keys in her hand whispering, "If we do not make it, figure out what these keys do."


Before she could complete what she had to say Ashwatthama grabbed her wrist dragging her away reluctantly across another route.

"Vatsala, now it's on you to lead us to the mount." Said Perseus glancing at her.

She nodded and they continued to walk ahead, well aware that they were being tailed.

"Do you think we'd be alive, now that we are being followed?" Asked Danaë sceptically.

"When has our life once had a guarantee?" Chuckled Perseus wryly. "If we are still alive it's only because someone up there is merciful enough to let us breathe."

Amongst the shrubs and bushes and tall looming trees of the forest, they made their way in a frenzy. The dark hooded shadows ever following them on their deep black horses.

"That's the clearing." Pointed Vatsala, at the vast empty lands in front of them.

"Is there no other route?" Asked Pyrrhus in horror as he watched the bright afternoon sun beating down on them.

"If we go out there we'll be easy target for the riders." Said Perseus glancing at Vatsala. "Are you sure there isn't any other route?"

"I'm afraid not..." She sighed anxiously. "We'll cross the clearing as quickly as possible and into the other side of the forest."

"Let's run." Exhaled Perseus and all at once, the little troop dashed out into the clearing.

"There they are!" Shouted one of the riders.

At once the several horsemen rushed towards them. Their black steeds neighing and tossing their mane as they galloped across the clearing.

The green grass was short and the little troop clearly visible to the eyes of those that persued them.

Just before they could enter the thicket of the forest, a black rider stood in their way.

"That way!" Shouted Danaë, compelling her feet to move forward despite their fear.

Just before they could run, another rider stood in front of them. They huddled in the center and rotated their gaze realising they had been surrounded.

Immediately, Perseus and Pyrrhus drew out their swords while the riders quickly followed suit.

"Who are you?" Demanded Perseus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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