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They gaped at the huge entrance, built with dark black bricks and intricately carved symbols of oxen and sheep. Large walls supported the rectangular structure of the gate and fortified the city within.

They walked under the shade of the arches, through the wide breadth of the gate which could house an army of thousands.

Crossing the shadows of the dome, they narrowed their eyes as the sun burned mercilessly down on them.

They walked ahead, with mouths agape and curiosity in their eyes. They noticed the large mud blocks which had a wooden door and open windows carved into it.

It was a foreign land, nothing was the same. Neither the people, nor the culture, nor the place; but what remained eerily similar was the God's.

"That's Ishtar." She said pointing out to the scantily clad yet elegant effigie of a Goddess.

It stood to the center of the town where people although busy bowed their heads and then proceeded to perform their daily chores.

It stood to the center of the town where people although busy bowed their heads and then proceeded to perform their daily chores

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He gaped at the figure and noticed the horns on her head and numerous weapons behind her back. She appeared to be riding a lion.

But what caught his attention was the eight pointed star which was situated near her head. He narrowed his eyes at the symbol and then turned and looked at the woman beside him.

She had the eight pointed star as a pendant around her sleek neck. Aware of his gaze, she placed her hand over the pendant saying, "This is the only link I have."

"Isn't this star similar to the symbol of Thanatos?" Asked Pyrrhus with a slight smirk.

He nodded once more without a word making the others wonder what exactly was going on in his mind.

"Do you think they are the same people?" Asked Pyrrhus once more, only to be met by silence.

Pyrrhus finally folded his arms across his chest and shook his head thinking, he and his brains don't belong to this world!

Pyrrhus finally folded his arms across his chest and shook his head thinking, he and his brains don't belong to this world!

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"Percy," called Ashwatthama searching the man's handsome face.

Perseus glanced at an aged Ashwatthama and said, "Let's go."

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