Chapter 21|Baal and blood

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Sailing across the waters of the Tigris, he gazed at the setting sun. His arms resting upon the railing of the ship.

"What are you thinking?" She asked, standing beside him.

"I'm simply wondering when all of this will end." He sighed.

She nodded adding, "I pray we find what we're looking for in Canaan."

"How long has it been since you've gone back home?"

"Years...." She shrugged with a faint smile.

"Did you not have anyone else amongst your....tribe or community to look after you?" He asked, his brows pulled into a frown.

"After Joppa was destroyed...I could've sought shelter elsewhere, but....I didn't." Replied Andromeda. "I had to find the source of the destruction."

"How did you'll come to dwell in that land?" Asked a curious Vatsala joining the conversation.

"Well...umm...after moving from Mizraim and roaming for 40 years....we reached Canaan." She shrugged. "Well...I wasn't born then, but...I've heard the stories from the elders."

"Are you suggesting the great Hyksos movement?" Asked Vatsala.

Andromeda nodded adding, "During the reign of Pharaoh Ahmose....after the plagues."

"Oh right, the Nile ran red, frogs jumped out, locusts etc etc...." Said Perseus making Andromeda nod. "That happened because of the volcano at Santorini."

"It wiped the Minoan civilization. Dark clouds covered Achea for days and it rained hot ash across the land." Added Danaë. "People believed the god's were furious at man and had covered the sun."

"I'd heard the sky turned a pale yellow in Aryavarta." Said Ashwatthama.

"That must've been a huge explosion." Nodded Andromeda thoughtfully. "Use of nature at the proper time...."

"True...." Nodded Ashwatthama thoughtfully.

"Coincidence." Concluded Perseus.

"I don't think such huge coincidences take place." Replied Vatsala, narrowing her eyes at Perseus. Turning towards Andromeda she asked, "Weren't there giants in Canaan? Or so...I've heard..."

" a matter of fact we looked like grasshoppers in front of them."

"But the disadvantage of being so huge is their mobility. The taller and heavier you are, the slower your movements. A simple explanation for easily taking over Jericho." Winked Perseus.

"Thank the unseen that they were giants." She sighed and continued, "So after Jericho....we kept fighting with everyone...I was born around that time..."

"The tribes that lived around the lands...." Nodded Danaë. "Tribes men can be drastically nasty."

"During the war with the Amorites...the sun stopped."

"Sun doesn't move." Corrected Ashwatthama. "The earth revolves. So, what really happened?

"It just...grew dark all of a sudden...It was in the year...umm...1207."

"Wait!" Exclaimed Vatsala and Ashwatthama in unison. "1207!"


"Why what's the matter?" Asked Pyrrhus.

"What day was it?" Asked Ashwatthama.

"30th October."

"That was the day Jarasand was killed!" Exclaimed Vatsala.

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