Chapter 14|Sheol- a world unlike ours

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She boarded a ship bound to Achea. Her heart was thumping in excitement and anxiousness.

She held the veil on her head, biting the hem nervously.

As the ship slowly began moving into deeper waters, she was reminded of what Kripacharya had said to her

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As the ship slowly began moving into deeper waters, she was reminded of what Kripacharya had said to her....

"It'll take you a year to reach Achea. Try to learn the language as much as you can."

"I will." She replied.

"Ask around for...a lad from Aryavart. You may find him." He sighed.

She nodded once more.

"Also," he added, before she could leave, "you are already 30, you'll turn 31 by the time you reach Achea; don't you think you should get married."

Vatsala exhaled sharply replying, "If marrying was what I had in mind...I would've been a mother to five kids by now."

"Well..." Muttered the old man unwilling to impose his opinion on the young lady. "There's something you must know..."

"What is that?" She asked curiously.

"What was born of it, shall return to it. She that brings life, brings death. She that gives, shall take it back. She that was calm is now violent."

"That's the Sanskrit riddle in the..."

"The answer to that, is Earth." He said. "We are made of the earth, our flesh is made from the earth and in death we go back to it."

"But...why is..."

"Now that's for you to find out." Interrupted Kripacharya. "I told you want I know. Whatever the secret catestrophic if gone to the wrong hands."

A long hard sigh escaped her lips as she felt the large wooden vessel move languidly across the pleasant waters.

Her only hope and delight was that Vrishaketu was alive and probably doing well.

Is it right to disturb his life? She wondered.

The sudden thought, seemed to crumble her determination of knowing the truth. The determination she had since she was a child, shattered in a matter of seconds.

Is it alright to call him back to the place where he lost everything? Am I being selfish right now?

As her thoughts seemed to possess her logic, she looked frantically around hoping that the ship was still near the dock. But unfortunately, the vessel was now in deep waters.

She couldn't simply jump off and swim. It was too late to turn back.

"I'll just have to find him now..." She groaned under her breath.

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