Chapter 25|The story of Vasusena

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Vasusena sighed as he watched them board a ship to embark on their journey. He hadn't a single clue as to when, where or how this saga would end.

"What do you think awaits us in Aryavart?" Asked Perseus before he could board the ship.

Vasusena shrugged, he himself had no idea what to expect anymore. Perseus exhaled sharply saying, "We've already found the what's remaining?"

"The keys unlock need to find what it unlocks. Try to read that diary once more, for all you know you may find something in there." Suggested the man narrowing his eyes against the rising sun.

"There's nothing in there..." Sighed Perseus. "Anyway, are you coming along with us to Aryavart?"

"No." Replied Vasusena. "I must head back to Sheol."

Hugging Perseus and Ashwatthama a goodbye, Vasusena left for Sheol while the two men along with Pyrrhus, Vatsala, Andromeda and Danaë set off to Aryavart.

He gazed at Perses, his eyes blur with tears

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He gazed at Perses, his eyes blur with tears. The young lad reminded him of his own sons who now no longer remained amongst the living.

"If that vile cult finds that theres a kid here...I don't know what they'll do!" Exclaimed Vrushali in anguish.

"My lord, my lord!" Came a desperate cry from the threshold of the hut.

Vasusena turned with a slight frown towards the man who said, "Thanatos has begun hunting for rebels yet again. We must leave this place immediately."

"Is this because of me?" Asked Perses in a tiny voice making Vasusena and Vrushali look at him.

"No, they do this every month." Reassured Vasusena, as they immediately grabbed their little cloth bags with meagre belongings and began hurriedly fleeing.

"Can I not join the cult and destroy them from inside?" Asked Perses as he continued to hold Vasusena's hand as they ran across the thick overgrowth of forest and tall trees.

Vasusena stopped in his tracks and glared at Perses chiding, "How long do you possibly think you could maintain your sanity despite all the brainwashing they do? Just keep quite and follow me."

"Stop scolding him!" Grumbled Vrushali, narrowing her eyes at her husband. "He hardly knows the situation here...and what Thanatos is..."

"Let's go..." Sighed Vasusena as they continued to run across the dense overgrowth of forest until they reached a cave and took shelter in it.

Exhaustion took over Perses, who despite being uncomfortable fell asleep on the rocky cold floor of the cave. Vrushali exhaled sharply and took the young lads head on her lap.

A tear ran down her cheek as she stroked the boys head. She was reminded of her sons who no more existed....

"BUT WHY THE HELL SHOULD I SEND MY SON'S!" Shouted a furious Vasusena, slamming his palm on the handrest of the throne as he stood up.

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