Chapter 23|No more nonsense

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The silence was prolonged until they heard a knock at the door. The rabbi stood up and opened the door.

A sharp sword thrust into him, twisted painfully as drops of blood pattered to the floor.


It was the last word he said, before the stained blade was drawn out of him, causing him to thud on the ground. Warm sanguine pooled around him, as a tear rolled down the corner of his eye taking a final breath.

Andromeda froze in her spot, her breathing heavy and laboured. She stumbled back in horror as her eyes remained fixed on the rabbi who lay cold on the floor.

"The keys."

The firm voice, made her gaze shift to the unusually tall man. His face was masked in black cloth, the sword in his hand stained with innocent blood. His eyes dark and menacing as flecks of gold sparkled in them.

"W...who are you...?" She murmured, backing up against the wall behind her.

He stepped towards her, his talk figure clad in black stood imposing and towering over her quivering frame. The little prayer house appeared far too tiny for his stature.

Rasing his palm towards her, he said, "The keys."

Andromeda clutched them tightly against her bosom and shook her head vigorously.

Without a warning, he swung his sword towards her.

"Where on earth is she!" Exclaimed Ashwatthama, pacing the dock yard back and forth

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"Where on earth is she!" Exclaimed Ashwatthama, pacing the dock yard back and forth.

Perseus appeared lost in thoughts and then shook his head saying, "Something's not right..."

"What do you mean?" Asked Danaë, gazing intently at her son.

"Stay with Perses, I'm coming." Ordered Perseus and ran in the direction his wife had headed.


The shrill scream, made Peresus stop midway panting, his heart thudded rapidly. Ashwatthama dashed ahead urging Perseus to continue. Pyrrhus quickly joined them only to hear another blood curdling scream.


Perseus turned and saw a dark figure behind Vatsala, his mother and little son. A sword dangled dangerously over their necks.


"Andromeda...." He muttered anxiously under his breath.

"Go...she needs you." Said Pyrrhus. "I'll take care of this."


"JUST GO PERCY." Shouted Pyrrhus, pushing his friend.

Perseus continued to run towards the direction of the scream alongside Ashwatthama. Until an assassin jumped on Ashwatthama pinning him to the ground.

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