Chapter 20|The flood, the God's and the air

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"Who are the Anunnakis?" Asked Perseus looking at Abgal.

The man appeared flustered for a moment but quickly masked it saying, "They are the progeny of Anu the sky god and Ki the earth goddess. The chief Anunnaki is Enlil, God of the air. The Anunnakis, lived  amongst us, mingled amongst us and gave us the knowledge of the deep."

Ashwatthama and Perseus glanced at each other in discombobulation. Vatsala shook her head exclaiming, "What has that got to do with the book!"

"Nothing." Shrugged Abgal immediately. "You'll asked about our God's so I told you."

Perseus glanced at Andromeda for a moment, she appeared to be lost in deep thought.


"Where are the Anunnakis now?" Asked Andromeda, looking at Abgal.

"They no longer are amongst us." He replied. "They left before the great flood."

"There's a...flood myth in Sumerian scriptures!" She exclaimed, with wide eyes.

"Why not!" He shrugged.

"How does the story go?" She asked, biting her bottom lip. If I'm not wrong, the two and two should fit.

"The gods decided to cause a flood on the earth because humans became too noisy." Began Abgal. "Enki, the god of underwater seas, warned Ziusudra, the king of Shuruppak to build a huge boat and fill it with mankind and animals alike. It rained heavily for seven days and seven nights, tossing and turning the boat violently. When Utu- the sun was out and dried the waters, Ziusudra prostrated himself and sacrificed an ox and a sheep."

"Oh!" Exclaimed Ashwatthama, "there's one such story in the Purana's."

"There is!" Exclaimed an astonished Andromeda.

"Yes..." Nodded Vatsala. "According to that story- Manvantara Sandhya; the matsya avatar of Lord Vishnu warns Manu about a great flood and advices him to build a giant ark and take with him his family, seven sages who were meditating and all the plants and animals."

After a short pause, Vatsala added, "And it rained heavily for days and the boat was caught in a huge storm; but the matsya avatar protected them until the flood subsided."

"There's one in Achea as well!" Exclaimed Danaë.

"This is ridiculous!" Chortled Perseus in sheer disbelief.

"Zeus decided to destroy all of mankind with a flood, that's when the Titan God- Prometheus asked his son Deucalion to build an ark. He and his wife Pyrrha survived the flood while the rest of mankind perished."

Perseus looked at Andromeda saying, "Please don't tell me you've got another flood myth."

"Of course there is, Noach and his family were ordered to build an ark and fill it with animals- male and female of each kind. It then rained for 40 days and nights perishing all of mankind."

Perseus shook his head grumbling, "I'm going back to the inn, I've heard enough for one day."

Silently, they walked back to the inn. They were back at square one, with the same questions remaining unanswered. What puzzled the globetrotters was the story of the flood being retold in every possible religion they knew.

"It's so absurd that we all have a similar story...." Began Pyrrhus, as they sat in a circle on the floor of the chamber.

"I never expected all of us to have a common belief as a background!" Exclaimed Ashwatthama.

"Exactly," insisted Vatsala. "If this is the case, don't all of us stem from one branch?"

"Flood or no flood, the Gods in every religion are ridiculous." Said Perseus rolling his eyes. "First they create humans and then destroy them! The gods have no job!"

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