Chapter 9|Dream or Reality?

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Archilles sat in the darkness of his tent. Night had fallen, yet the brightness of the moon didn't seep into his tent.

The mangled body of the warrior lay just in front of him. Archilles buried his face in his palms.

What have I done?

Guilt and disgust began making his stomach churn. He puked his guts into the chamber pot that stood nearby.

"My lord," called out the silhouette of one of the soldiers from the threshold of the pavilion. "King Priam is here, he seeks an audiance with you."

Archilles said nothing. How am I going to face Priam? Ha...chortled his mind. How are you going to face yourself Archilles? Just how low have you fallen in your own eyes.

"Should I send him away?" Asked the soldier, who hadn't received a reply from his master.

"Send him in."

Priam stepped into the tent and drew near Archilles. He knelt and took his hand kissing the ring on his finger and pressing it against his eyes.

It was a sign of greeting and Archilles simply squeezed his eyes shut. He didn't deserve respect, yet the curtsy that Priam showed him was choking him to death.

"I've come to take back my son." Began the old man with a quiver of pain in his voice.

The feeble voice of the man, made the warrior shudder. His skin dotted with goosebumps and he shifted uncomfortably on the rug.

"I..." Began Archilles, unable to bring himself to even apologize. Apologize? He thought. Disrespect doesn't end with an apology.

"I see you've not learned the art of seeking forgiveness." Muttered old Priam.

Archilles felt himself tongue tied once more.

"You did wrong...son."

As soon as Priam called him 'son'. Tears ran down Archilles eyes. He was secretly glad that the darkness his his shame and guilt. But Priam's old eyes noticed those tears and he said, "He had killed your cousin my mistake and you knew it. Your anger needed a scapegoat, your vengeance needed an exit. Continue down this path and it will only hurt you."

Archilles said nothing. Right now, what he only deserved to hear from Priam was curses and not advices, blessings or forgiveness.

At least a word of admonishment would take away the shame that he so wanted to wash away.

"You may take back your son... as well as Brises."

"I thank you." Bowed Priam and his eyes fell on the mangled, half torn body of his son. He held back his tears, his heart was already broken into a million pieces.

Priam stepped out of the pavilion leaving Archilles alone with the corpse.

Taking a white shroud, he wrapped the body of the warrior in it. He leaned close to Hectors ear whispering, "I'll meet you soon brother."


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