Chapter 5|Unanswered questions

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Happy Women's Day to all my female readers!
Please note, that I'll be on hiatus till April end due to exams....

Three months of peace, seemed to make Danaë greatly comfortable in Larissa. After all, her father- Acrisius didn't have the audacity to send anyone when Archilles was around.

Although Perseus had made significant progress with the use of weaponry, a lingering feeling of loss and fear always pestered him.

He appeared emotionally and mentally stronger day by day; but within, he was a wreck.

"Theìos," began Perseus, without turning to face Ashwatthama, "before we could come to Larissa, did I learn the use of weapons? Was I....a warrior?"

Ashwatthama appeared slightly alarmed and glanced at Danaë who had the same look on her face. Managing a smile, she asked, "Do you.... remember... something?"

Danaë and Ashwatthama glanced at each other. Neither could comprehend whether to feel afraid or glad. Perseus looked up at the two adults saying, "I know I've learnt...didn't you say mama, the body has its own memory. Whenever I practice....I attack and defend as though....I've done it before."

"And....what does Archilles say about it?" Asked Ashwatthama, approaching the conversation with utmost care.

"He....said it's my bodies natural reaction."

Danaë exhaled sharply in relief knowing that Archilles had said that for Percy's own good

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Danaë exhaled sharply in relief knowing that Archilles had said that for Percy's own good.

"Do you remember who... taught you?" Asked Ashwatthama, sitting in front of the boy. Anticipation sparkled in his eyes and he could hear his heart thum loudly.

Was it the day, where Perseus would finally remember his past?

"I just... remember his...eyes."

"What colour were they! What colour were they!" Urged Ashwatthama, unable to contain the excitement in him anymore.

"Hazel green, dove shaped....It was Zeus! My father! Right mama!?" Exclaimed the boy jumping on the sand shore.

Ashwatthama sank into the sand as soon as he heard that.

"Yeah sure! Who else would it be other than Zeus almighty!" Taunted the irked brahmin. Why on earth am I even expecting him to recollect the events of the past?

Danaë managed a faint smile and nodded her head. The boy chuckled in delight and mounted on his shiny black steed- Pegasus exclaiming, "I'm going to Mt. Olympus to meet pàppa!"

Ashwatthama and Danaë now began to panic. If Perseus ever found out that none of the Gods lived on Mt. Olympus, his questions regarding his identity would increase manifold.

With great difficulty, the boy had got his skills back in weapons and was slowly begining to incline himself into becoming a warrior. If he recollected his dreadful past, they were afraid that he'd be a nobody.

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