A New Start

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As you know, every characters belong to Monsta.
Badly  written grammar and typo, because English is not my language.

At Earth

As usual, the gang hang out at Kokotiam after school. Finally it was the last week of school. And their exams too.

"Wahhhh... FINALLY!! Holiday!! No more seeing paper anymore!" Gopal shouted of happiness.

The other couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Surprisingly, you pass your math exam. How's that feel?" Fang still shocked that he pass his math exam. Even C.Papa suprise with it and even recheck the paper million time.

"Amazing! My appa never ever proud of me and even my amma make me my favourite dish!" They sighed and continue chit-chatting, until...


It was Commander Kokoci. The received a call from Fang's watch.

"Somethings wrong commander?"  Yaya couldn't help but noticed commander's..... HAPPY FACE?!

"Since tomorrow is the holiday... You guys got a new mission officially at new rebuilt TAPOPS!"

The other were excited. It's been so long since they haven't visited TAPOPS station. Except for one person...

"Alah.... But I thought it will be a month of holiday.... Not works.." Gopal pretty upset with the "suprise" but what can he do. :)

At TAPOPS station

They safely arrived at the station and instantly go to the control room. Not only C.Kokoci and A.Tarung, but also C.Kaizo and Ramenman too. They were surprised but they shrugged it off.

"Great, everybody is here. So we got an important mission from the Universal Society League." Admiral Tarung then ask C.Kokoci to show them their work.

Of course an important mission from the high league needs professional to handle.

"What is the mission admiral? Why they need us to handle it." C.Kaizo is a bit unsure about this mission. He can feel something wrong.

"We have assigned to explore the entire planet that they just found. And find certain information that we know about that planet."

Then somebody opens the door, walk in the room while saying..

"On this mission also, you guys are not alone. We will help you."

It was Maskmana and Amato. The Kokotiam gang was shocked to see unexpected guests but Boboiboy the one that even shocked a lot.

"Thank you for joining us Maskmana and Amato. I bet our job will be done as fast as they wanted us too." Commander Kokoci the one that ask them to join in the mission and they with pleasure join in.

"As fast as they want? For how long they gave us to finish this assignment?" Ramenman also feel about how odd the mission is. Is pretty rare to get a mission that need a lot of professionals.

"They gave us 1 week to finish this mission. I'm not sure if we manage to finish this, but as long as you guys provided them the information I think we could say you did it."

Then without wasting any time they pack their stuff before they took off.

At B/G room

Boboiboy still suprise with what happened in the room before. But he still happy that he finally sees his father after a long time.


After they done their meeting, commander ask them to pack their stuff before took off. Before he even ask Gopal someone stop him.

"Hey kiddo!"

It was Amato. Boboiboy didn't know what to say but he smile at him.

"Akward..." Mechabot break the silence by mocking the scene.

"Ehehehe... Hey dad. Hi Mechabot."


They turn around and saw Fang in disbelief state.

"He's your dad??" "Yeah, don't you see the resemblance?"

"Clearly not."

Boboiboy only sigh with he's friend behaviour and laugh it off.

"So.. What do you think? I'm part of TAPOPS now."

Amato giving him a smile and pet hus head roughly.

"I'm proud and suprise at the same time."

"More like disbelief." Obviously Mechabot is a little snitch.

"Well yeah... Well I don't want to waste your time. Why don't you pack your stuff."

"Okay dad!"

End of flashback

After he done packing all of them gather at the entrance before going into the ship. After giving a speech, they then started their journey.

"Ochobot. Is the planet still far away from we are right now" ask Maskmana.

"Still a little far but we will be arriving in a few hours." Everybody doing their own thing as usual while waiting for their arrival.

Then Gopal broke the silence.

"Hey guys.. have you ever wonder... What they bring us. I mean if they need professionals to handle why us?"

"Huh... That's true. Why though?" Ying ask. Not all of the gang know why they were chosen for this "important" mission.

"I'm not sure but... There is something had to do with any of you." They were actually confuse with what Ramenman said. Until..

"Hey, there is one special task in here. They say find something call 'The Crystal Heart'"

They were a little confuse at first what does it mean.

"Ochobot any information about this?" Ask Boboiboy.

"There is one information about it. They say it contains one powerful source of energy. It might as well could provide energy to entire planet itself."

They were thinking about why they were also assigned to get this crystal. And how do they know that planet contain that thing while it was newly "discovered" planet.

After a few moment, they finally arrived at the planet. Once they got out, it was not a pleasant sight. Full of weapons lying around. The place just a mess. Look something like already finish a war. Or is it?

Hey guys!! Hope you like the chapter. And don't forget to vote, comments and share this book!! Love yall!!

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