The Truth

597 23 13

The previous silhouette come back to life and greeted them again.


(Something that I made yesterday to make you guys understand the silhouette

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(Something that I made yesterday to make you guys understand the silhouette. I felt lazy so i just you the already prepared pose and add a little details)



The silhouette looks at them and goes down from the fountain. She looks at her surroundings the place has been "magically" fixed.

"Who are you?"

She didn't answer Boboiboy but instead going up towards him and take his hand.


She summon a light ball and put it on his watch. Suddenly the Crystal element return back into his watch. He was shocked but also thankful to her.

"Wh-what?! Thank you!!"

"No... Thanks to you... This place back to its former glory..."

Boboiboy was confuse with her sentence. Why would she be thankful to him. What did he ever do. He just accept the thanks but questioning it.

"I mean.. your welcome but... What did I ever do?"

She chuckled a little.

"What?" Gopal who was already confuse since the beginning felt frustrated.

"After years we have been trap in here, thou guys finally save us. Thy work restoring our beloved kingdom really appreciative."


"That mean she really appreciate our work restoring this planet. Don't you learn any little ancient words?"


While Yaya and Ying continue lecture Gopal, the silhouette continue her words.

"Thy friends are funny."

Boboiboy giggles a little with his friends antics. He couldn't ignore the fact that he had them as a friends.

"Well yes... I have a question? Who are you exactly?"

"I, the queen of this kingdom. Thou don't need to know any more information about me."

"Well then what does it mean by it was the elementals fault that causes the your kingdom to fall. Was it correct?"

Maskmana dare to open the question to her. She felt a little bit uncomfortable with the question, but don't mind to answer it for them.

"It is correct. They have been our burden for our planet for years..."

Before she's continue her explanation, the elemental leaders come by to see the situation.

"What do you mean 'burden'?"

Yanaari ask her with a suspicious tone of voice.

"I suspect that thou are the elemental's leaders perhaps?"

"Yes we are." Kuputeri answer her instead Yanaari who already disgusted by her words before.

"I bet thou knew thy fault. There's no need for explanation."

"We don't know anything about you guys. Like seriously!? What do you expect anything? An apology?"

"Perhaps. But I don't need an apology. If thou do it earlier, the war shouldn't have started."

"Woah woah wait... What war? We seriously don't know what ha- well you. And your origin. Stop blabbering."

"Hufh... Outsider so ruthless. There is something call as a manner while thou were speaking. Thou are parts of the royalty, thou should know better."

They were quiet. What she's trying to say wasn't actually answering any of their questions at all making felt disgusted with her.

"Maybe you should explain it. I believe that they really don't know what happened."

"Well... I guess I believe thou. Thousands years ago, we are one of the most terrifying kingdom. Once we decided to work with them my sister grew suspicion. She realising their true intention was to take our source of power and getting rid off us. Before I knew about the news, me and my sister got into a big fight that effected this kingdom. And before she's gone, she tells me everything. That's why we got into war with them. "

After a very long explanation, now they finally understand everything. But has their ancestors hide this history from them. For what reasons nobody know. All they know it may have it's own personal reason.

"So that's why? But what happened to your peoples? Why now they were alive when we restore the crystal?"

"I protected them."

The situation was pretty tension. Nobody knew about any of those history. None of them could recall any of it.

"Any more questions?"

"I do."

The turn their back to see Amato questioning her.

"What should we do with them now? Are you even going to stay to rule back this place?"

"Very nice question, but I wont be staying a long side with my peoples. I wasn't exist any longer. I was only a spirit to guide thou. And them, I'm not sure. But I bet this kid can rule them for me." She said it while pointing towards Boboiboy who already panicking with her sudden decision.

"Wh-what?! Me!? No no no no...!"

"What do you mean?"

"I never rule anybody. And I'm bet they don't think I would be a great leader! In addition, I wasn't sure if I'm suitable for this responsibility!!"

"I see.. Well I got no other plan for this... I will be gone soon. If you want to know more, have a visit to the castle stained glass historical room. There are more for you to learn."

Before they even could speak, she already faded away in the thin air. The night finally comes by closing the light. They saw the residents there live normally. They decided to help the residents restoring back their food supply, power energy and shelter for awhile.

They leave the planet with a not so completed happy ending. But more like a mysterious begining. Just shrugged it off they say, but it was hard for them to do so. Especially the elemental leaders.

Someone's walks into the hallway full cover up without anyone notices. He walk up to one of the door and opens it. He look at the weak old man laying on the bed with so many equipment.

He couldn't bare to see it blandly. It was horrifying for him. That old man do it just for that kid to stay alive. Something he still confused. Why would he help someone and rather sacrifices himself for nothing. The only question that lingering in his mind.

"Why would you ever do that old man... I wasn't funny..."

The last words he said before leaving the ward. He close the door and stands outside there. Something from a tough man wasn't expecting. A single drop of tear. He then walk away leaving his friend treated at the hospital.

Inside the ward, Tok Kasa could be seen smiling after hearing him. He was happy to see his old friend decided to change his mind. How surprisingly, he still alive! ; The doctor said.

It was a little too short but here's what I came up with. I'm glad I manage to 。:゚(;´∩';)゚:。. Anyway don't forget to vote and share!!! Byeee!!

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