The Crystal Heart

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As Gopal scream while sliding down the slide. Gopal close his eye and scream more and more until someone catch him.

"Gopal it's me. Stop screaming!"

"ARGHhh... Huh? Boboiboy!! Where are we!!?"

"Calm down, here follow me."

He then follow him all the way to as he refer the middle of that places. They rest for awhile and Boboiboy explain everything to him.

"So how did you ended here Boboiboy? Everybody searching for you."



As he enter the library, he search more and more information of the library. Yet again he hear the voices calling him but instead it lead him to some kind of portrait that has stuff on the table in front of it.

"What should I do with this?"

The voice then tell him to pull the vase on the table. It open to passageway same as Gopal. He slide down until he reaches the bott of it.

As he walk, he finally reaches the "middle part" of the places. He mark his way so he couldn't forget where he come from. Then he heard someone screaming to the opposite of his passageway.

He ran to the passageway only to find jim catching Gopal afterward.

End of Flashback

"Ohh... i see."

They try to call their friends on the surface, gladly they could. But the connection was bad so he had to talk fast.

Ochobot received a call from Boboiboy and answered. The rest of them rush to him.

"G-guys.. ~BZZT~.. GUYS!! Try-find-passageway ~BZZT~somewhere--... Library ---BEEP...."

The call was ended just like that. As they only remember his words.

"I think he say finding some kind of passageway inside this library."

"Secret passageway."

The find everything they could, pulling, pushing, putting everything. Until..


They heard something from not far away from Gopal passageway.

"What is it Ying? You found something?"

"I think it was one of the passageway. Shall we try?"

As they entered obviously there will be a slide as well.


Boboiboy and Gopal overheard the sound rush in to another tunnel.


"Are you guys okay?"


Then Boboiboy lead them to where him and Gopal waiting for them. They discuss about how Boboiboy ended up here.

"So a voice lead you here?"

"Well yes it is. But right now, I'm not sure what we're supposed to do." They gather there waiting for something to happen. He then heard the voice calling him again.

"Over here."

He heard the voice and face towards the tunnel that lead to it. All of them follow him into it. As they walk, their at the dead end.

"Really a dead end?! Are you sure the voices doesn't trick you Boboiboy?"

"I'm really is sure I-"

"Alright let's stop fighting and find a way to get put of here."

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