Friends or Enemy?

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"I come with no harm. I come to warn you guys. I'm on your side..."
Their expression was priceless. A villain who had try to steal 7 elementals, destroy almost all the elementals planet, just want to surrender. He could've a chance to throw and attack but decided not to.

The employees lower down their weapon after heard his choices. But the rest of the TAPOPS member don't give a crap about it. He still raises both of his hand up in the air.

"What do you want coming here?!" Kokoci ask him.

"Like I said, to warn you guys."

"Of what? You?"

"Ehe..." He chuckled a little before he continue his conversation with them.

"About Petra and his true intention."

They were silent. Is he trying to help them.
In the meeting room, they decided to gove a chance for him to talk. Or actually tied him up first and talked. Who know, he might be lying.

"Spill it then."

He laugh maniacally while looking at them. He wants to wipe his tears but can't reach for his eye. The getting more angrier with him.

"AHAHAHAHA!! You guys really took this seriously?"


"Not funny bro."

"Alright... Well as I said. I want to warn you guys about Petra. What he was planning wasn't something small."

"We all knew that!!" They all in sync while screaming at him.

"You didn't even let me finish yet."

They quiet for awhile giving him a chance to speak.

"Like I said earlier, something big. He's going to awaken. You know the legends of Seven Headed Dragon?"

"W-wait.. Seven Headed Dragon? I thought that was a myth."

Some of them were confused. What is Seven Headed Dragon. How does it related to anything right now.

"The Seven Headed Dragon was a legend that has been going around for almost 1000 years ago. It's to be said that it was created by the queen of certain planet to defeat her sister. And she left the dragon sleep for the next 1000 years later."

"Why would he awaken the dragon?"

"I'm not sure why, but it has to do with avenge the rightful freedom for his planet."

They thinking for a moment. How could he knew about this all along. Why suddenly he wants to help them. Is there any intention he is hiding.

They still don't let their guard down. Why would he even help them after the years of his madness.

Retak'ka was out inside some kind of electrical prison for a moment because of safety first. He just casually sitting their doing nothing.

He didn't expect to see a visitor at the moment. And he knew who was it. His own ex-best friend.

"Well, long time no see... Again."

"Stop trying to be funny big nostril."

"You to no nose."

After hearing each other insult, they laugh. Never has Tok Kasa seeing Retak'ka laugh because of his joke for a long time. He misses his old best friend that he only had.

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