We'll Come For You

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A few more days has past and Boboiboy is not in a great energy to training with their friends. His friends becoming a bit worried with his current condition. Amato and Mechabot also try to convince him but nothing make him thinks of the last incident.

At night

Boboiboy sitting on his bed looking outside the window. He looks so lifeless. Gopal was outside of the door bringing Boboiboy's dinner. Before he opened the door, Tok Kasa approach him.

"Gopal, can you wait for a moment I want to talk to you."

"Oh okay... What is it?"

"I wanna talk to him, maybe let me brings his dinner.. I can talk to him for awhile."

"Well, I guess. Here."

Tok Kasa take the dinner and goes to Boboiboy and Gopal's room. While Gopal standing there, he decided to go to the hanger to greet someone.

Tok Kasa opens the door revealing a lifeless face. It was Boboiboy. He looks toward the door to see Tok Kasa brings him his dinner.

"Hey, Boboiboy. I brought you your dinner."

He put it at the side of the bed, and sit next to him.

"So, how are you?"

No answer. Boboiboy decided not to answer him. Tok Kasa feel the tension going around the room.

"Kid, you can talk to me right?"

Boboiboy looks at him with his expressionless face. He sigh.

"I-... I failed... Again"

The only words he's speak to him. Tok Kasa sigh and trying to talk him out.

"Hey kid, it's not your fault. None not any. Listen, why don't we find him. They still working out to track him down. It's okay."

Boboiboy smiles at him.

"Thanks tok for talk me out for this!"

They both laugh and continue their conversation while Boboiboy's eat his dinner.
At hanger, Gopal was waiting for someone to arrive at the moment. Suddenly,


It was Qually who has return back.

"Wahhh!!! I miss your cooks!!"

"Ehehehehe... You don't miss me?"

"Ehh!! I do!!"

They had a great laugh while walking towards his room. While they walk, Qually realise something.

"Hey man, where is Boboiboy? He use to wait for me with you. What happened?"

"Hah... Well something happens to him a few days ago."

"What is it?"

Gopal then explained everything from a to z. While he talking about it, they then finally arrived at his room. When they open the door, Boboiboy was not found to be in their room.

They were in panicked trying to find him anywhere. They going around the HQ to find him until they passed the training room. They heard some familiar voices coming through the room and enter it.

They were shocked to see Boboiboy back in training with Tok Kasa and Retak'ka. Their which happened to pass both of them approach them.

"Oh hey Qually, hey Gopal- Wait is that Boboiboy?!"

"He's training?!"

They look at him practicing until Retak'ka notices their presence. He tap Tok Kasa and pointed towards them.

"Oh hey guys! Wanna come training?"

They had no other but to agree, well at least not all.

After they finish their training, they rest for awhile.

"Wahhh!!! So tiring... I feel like I might be melted down..."

They are just serving the hassle of Gopal. After a few moments, Fang ask Boboiboy about his current condition.

"So Boboiboy, how are you now? Getting better?"

"Kind of. I still can't think of Ochobot right now. Who knows where he might have been now or what they do to him."

It is worrying to see your dearest friends gone or kidnapped especially something that the villains could do towards Ochobot now since they had him in their hands.

As they talked, one of the staff walk into their room an inform them that they need to be in the control room for a new found evidence of Ochobot whereabout.
In the control room, the higher members was already in there waiting for them. They take a seat while Maskmana showing them a new found information. It was a location.

"After days to find Ochobot current location, we can finally track him down."

"But why we can't just track down his location in instant?"

"Well we tried it but somehow his tracker device that we already put at him is already gone or actually destroy."

"And now, it appears so sudden... Suspicious."

What Kaizo says did light up their mind. It was weird and suspicious to hear.

"It is, I bet that they knew about our tracker device, and that is why they try to manipulate the device for us to not be able to track him down."

"So where is his last location."

"At this planet where we have been a few months ago."

"You mean that old creepy planet. I don want to go there again." I mean who can blame him.

"Well we has no choice, but to go there no matter what."

"But we need to plan it not going there with a no plan. That just no brainier."

They look at the familiar voice that was speaks just a second ago.

"What's your plan then."

At the mysterious planet where they found the Crystal Heart, they gather in the castle, planning their plan. Ochobot was near there being held by he shadow. They gather around with everything that they had stole.

"So boss... What shall we do next?"

"We prepare and wait for the right time where the Sun and Moon meet at the same time. And we can start to do the awaken ritual."

"But sir, isn't it need a lot of energy for this to ever happened?"

"Don't worry I bet that kid will come with what I've wanted to. The only thing we need is for him to give us his true potential."

"What if we are not manage to do it?!"

"We will don't worry. I know how to pull his trigger." He looks at unactivated Ochobot that almost drain out of energy. He was the one that destroy the tracker device until they find a right moment to activate it again.

And now the only thing that need to do is just wait for them to come for themselves and save Ochobot. But the only thing that they didn't knew was coming right at them eventually.

Now the real plan begins.

Wahhh I'm so tired today. And by tomorrow my school are going to do some big cleaning day. It was awful but oh well who cares. Anyway don't forget to vote and share!!! Byeeee!!!

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