Escape From The Grip

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BBB, YY AND FG situation

They were fighting to get Sai and Shielda put of the crystal. If they didn't manage too, they might trap inside there forever. Yaya and Boboiboy try their best to get them out while Fang trying to get the power spheres.



The crystal doesn't even leave a cracked at all. After multiple of attack they still fail.

"I don't think this crystal can break. Maybe we should do something with the Crystal Heart."

"I know but what?!"

They did not realize Fang was trap in the grip.

"H-help..Ughh.. This thing is strong!!"

"This can't be. BOBOIBOY KUASA TIGA!!"

"Thorn!! Help Fang escape and Blaze help Yaya release Sai and Shielda!!"

Both of them got to there places instantly.

"I'll handle you" Gempa then walk towards the crystal.
Gopal situation

As the crystal cover almost the entire infirmary, Gopal still try his best to slow down the spread.

"What should we do commander?!! I can't keep this up!!"

"Stay strong Gopal!! Let me try contacts other."

C.Kokoci try to contact C.Kaizo but failed to reach. He then try to contact Boboiboy, Fang and Yaya but they can help right now since they in the middle of fight. Then he try to call Ochobot and Ying.

"Glad you guys could answer. So how was it?!"

"We manage to call commander. But the problem is there is no way for us to go to the infirmary!! The entire hallway was blocked with crystal!!"

This is a problem. It getting worse and worse. He only just hope that someone manage to help them out.
Back to the power sphere room

Gladly Thorn manage to release Fang from the grip. Then they decided to help Yaya and Blaze.

"Do you guys still have a problem to get them out?"

"Well as you can see, they still inside the crystal. As you can see."

"Guys there is no time for a fight we have to help them!!"

On the other hand, Gempa trying to reach for the crystal but the power's aura surrounding it was to strong. When his hand almost reaches the crystal, his hand suddenly turn into one. He ignores it and try to reach it.

"Ugh... This is so powerful."

The crystal could sense intruder trying to reach it. So it attacked with every power it could.


He was thrown away by it nearly hit the crystal where Sai was trap in but Blaze catch him on perfect time.

"Are you okay?!"

"Yeah.. but I need to go near it for its to deactivate its power."

"What happened to your hand?!"

He looks at his hand (not rock gloves) it was turned into a crystal. He was in panicked.


It was horrifying. It almost reaches his elbow.

"Just help me and stop worrying about this. I'll be fine. We had to get that crystal!!"

Thorn and Fang trying to reach it with their power but failed. The power surrounding it was to strong.

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