Attacked in Blue

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The next day

We can't say it's normal day for them since it was their first time in a new place. C.Kokoci and A.Tarung decided to not give any mission just yet to the gang for awhile.

The gang decided to go to the cafeteria nearby their dorm to have a breakfast. The food was magnificent and top notch as Gopal described it.

"Man... I feel like I can get use to live here!" He continue munching his food while enjoying the hospitality they serve as survivor/victim's of the event.

"Haiya Gopal, just because we had to stay here for awhile, doesn't mean we would never return to TAPOPS station. I bet they were in plan to construct back the station." Ying sip her tea while enjoying Gopal's ruin happiness after listen to what she said.

"What Ying said was true. I mean we can't just let our memories there destroy again. Plus, this place wasn't where we belong anyway." Yaya express her thought to Gopal's words. Yes, they did create a lot of memories together. They couldn't just ignore it and let it be.

She still feel like they don't deserve to stay at such a private and important place where not other lower-alien could enter likely. Ying agree with her, but they still feel grateful with the hospitality. The workers there was the most friendliest aliens ever.

As they continue their conversation, Boboiboy received a call from Tok Kasa.

"Boboiboy, are you ready for your training? Come here at the training ground now. We can't waste more time here. Chop! Chop!"

"Guys, I had to go. But if you want to join than that's fine too. Can they tok?"

"Sure why not, the more the merrier!!"

"Yeah why not. We don't had any mission anyway right guys?" They only could nod to Fang's response.

Then they walk out of the cafeteria, to the training ground. As they walk, they saw all the HQ's staffs was running around doing their own works. It was probably busy day for them as they work 24/7 here with no go back home. That's why this HQ provide them their own dorms and cafe.

"Aliens here are pretty busy with their own work today huh?"

"Sure is! Look at them running everywhere."

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at special training room that provides entirely everything. Such as training simulation, puppet to fight, challenges simulation and many more.

"Took you guys forever wasn't it?"

"Sorry tok! So many people are running around this HQ. Pretty hard to move around here."

As the enter the room, they were awed by how high-tech is the training room. The entire room fill with amazing tech comes from every planets that specializes for training.

"Pretty nice right? Thanks to Mr. Astro for giving us this room for training."

They started their training together with Tok Kasa. After a few hours of training, an alarm was triggered. Every staffs running around the places and one of them enter the room.

"GUYS!! Out now!! We're being attack!!"


They were in panicked after hearing the news. They decided to walk outside of the room. Every staffs running around calling for help. They run to the main hall that lead to the entrance. All of the other member of the TAPOPS their, injured.



A big explosion happened and reveal a mysterious figure walking out of the smokes that surrounding the entire hall. The figure walk out with a few crews and the shadow holding itself behind it.

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