The "Unsuccessful" Plan

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As days goes by, people still in search of Petra and his crews. He faces has been going around recently. Peoples are now aware of his appearance that could be show up in any time. Some people are getting paranoid over their valuable stuffs.

But that wasn't Petra's intention anymore. He want something else. He want that kid. Even after a few days after stealing the telescope, he still haven't do anything just yet towards Boboiboy. The only thing he did was sending one letter to the USL.


No kidding but, you need to be careful. Keep your eyes open, never keep your guard down. You might not know who will lost. I'm not telling you, I feel like you knew already.


His letter really pisses them off. He really messing with them this time. He feels like, messing with them will make them more anxious and paranoid. But there is more than them that are even more worried.
There is no mission has given to the gang just to avoid any opportunity for Petra to kidnapped them. They also pretty aware of the situation. As they were told to not worried, they still thinking of many opportunities for Petra to so something on them.

As always, training is their way to fill up boredom. While they were training, there is something watching them.


Fang look at the door sharply. He feels something is watching them. The thing quickly hide away before got notice. He feels a little bit suspicious.

"Something's wrong Fang? We wanna go to the cafeteria wanna come?" Yaya ask him since he just daydreaming.

"Uh... Y-yes." He followed them from behind while still looking around.

The thing then quickly followed them. After arrive at the cafeteria, they take a seat with their drinks that they just purchased.

"Hey, don't you guys feel a little bit uncomfortable. Like something might happen eventually." He opened up his suspicions feeling towards his friends.

"I must say, I am actually."

They all agree on Fang's response.

As they casually talk, they heard something at the room where most of the staffs rest. When they arrived, the room was already mess up.

"What's happening here?!"

They help the staff to get up ang get out of the room, quickly bringing them to the infirmary room.

When there is a lot of medical teams running around the hallways bringing staffs that are hurting, Mr. Astro, A.Tarung and C.Kokoci running towards the source of the problem.

They saw the gang helping others to get up to the stretcher and transport them. They run towards them and asked.

"What just happened here?!"

"We don't know!! We heard screaming and as we arrive all of the staffs is hurting!"

"I'll go check the security camera." C.Kokoci run to the control room to see what is actually happening.

They continue helping the rest of them until they all got into the infirmary room. Then they decided to go to the control room to see the situation before.

When arrived, Amato, Maskmana, Kaizo and Ramenman already in the room with C.Kokoci.

"So you guys heard it too?"


They gather around to see the CCTV clips of the previous incident that C.Kokoci had found.

"As you can see here, there! Stop right their Ying!"

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