Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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They were standing there watching the person that kill Petra. It was Mr. Astro. He standing there with his assistant while holding the Crystal Heart.

"S-sir? What are you doing here?!"

"Helping you guys!"

He got down with his assistants and help them out. Some of them felt suspicious with his action. He could've come a lot earlier to help them.

But they ignored the fact and started to treated them. In Tok Kasa cases, they bring him to Bima S. Hospital for further treatment.

"Well let's go then!!"

Mr. Astro forced voice make them stop for a moment. They cant felt him seems so forcing towards everything. Mr. Astro who just noticed their behaviour stop and ask them.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just... Are you up to something?"

Mr. Astro a little bit shocked to hear it. But he didn't denied he jump and back away while his assistant trap all of them except Kristal who was trap in a energy strap.

 But he didn't denied he jump and back away while his assistant trap all of them except Kristal who was trap in a energy strap

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(Something like this. Please don't think of anything else💀)

"Ugh!! Let me go!!"

"Extract his power."

The assistants just nod to their assignment and and extract the crystal element.



Kristal fall down and faded away with only the light of the power floating. They bring the floating source power to Mr. Astro.

"Shocking, I can see it. I know this plan are not going to well but I guess I had to do it with my own hand."

"What are you doing sir!!? This is not what we recall for- Wait, is this why you want us to do all of this ridiculous mission!"

Mr. Astro smile at them and giving them applause. He's pretty impressive with their speculation. And it is true. Everything was all in his plan. And Petra? Well...

"Why yes. It's my plan. And Petra, he's just someone I pay to do this ridiculous show. But seems like he's trying to betrayed me and get all the power by himself that he rather shoot someone that pay him. Don't you see? It was all my plan. IT. WAS. ME!!"

He laughs histerically like there is no more time to laugh. He wipes his tears while looking at their foolish face. He jump down and walks towards Boboiboy who already fuse back.

"Listen hear kid. It's funny to see how determine you are helping me doing this, and now... It backfires you. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

He walks off from the place and headed to the castle while bringing the Kristal element on his hand.

"Lock them up inside the prison. I need that kid later."

The assistants just nod and forcefully move them to the prison inside their ship. They got throw inside the jail separately from each other. The cell that they in prevent them from using their power.

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