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Finally they arrived at the entrance of TAPOPS station. Their arrival was greeted by K.Kokoci and A.Tarung and also... The elementals leader(planet)/user?!

"Welcome guys! Glad to see you guys in good shape."

"Well almost all." Gopal pointed at tired Boboiboy while laughing.

"Anyway, one of the member of the Universal Society League will be joining us in meeting later so please behave."

They get off the ship and decided to headed to their room well the gang decided too while the other wanted to continue their works. But they almost forgot, why are the other here.

"May I ask?" Fang stuttered a little.

"What is it?"

"Uhm.. why are they here actually?" As he pointing at the elemental user/leader.

"We're here because of the meeting. And to mention something that you were holding too." While Ki'Rana pointed at something Yaya's holding.

The Crystal Heart.

"Oh, about that. Where should I put this?"

"Bring it to the meeting room Yaya. Don't forget you guys are needed for the meeting."

"Right Commander!"
After they rest in their own room, they decided to go to the meeting room a little bit earlier. When they open the door they did not realize their someone else also there.

"Ahh.. You guys are here right on time. Before we start this is the head of the USL, Mr. Astronolight." They were shocked because it's pretty rare to see someone as important as him.

"Just call me Mr.Astro. I'm fine with it. Well shall we start?"


They take a seat around the table while showing every information they could get, especially how they could retrieve the Crystal Heart.

As they continue talking, Ying decided to ask something.

"Uhem! Not to be rude but Mr.Astro, what is your intention for this crystal. Even Boboiboy nearly out of energy because of it."

He exhale as he smile.

"Here's something. We've study about this planet and we could send something off about it. And we found this crystal lying around without any protection. It contain such an immense power they might lead to possible galaxy war to get it. Better prepare than to let it slide like that."

His explanation was pretty decent. It is true, if anybody knew about this existence, it might fall into a wrong hand.

"Hurm... How do we actually use it anyway? What can this thing do?" Mas Gardu a little bit concerned about the crystal. It may contain more then just a little destruction.

"Actually, we decided to ask someone in here to have it a try." Mr.Astro look at Boboiboy before he continued his words.

"Would you mind trying it out for us?"

Boboiboy look a little concerned. He can feel something wrong with the crystal from the first time he step on the planet. He is a bit unsure but he could not disagree.

"Umm... I think I can but.. Are you sure sir? I still can't control my power yet after retrieve most of my third tier elemental power. Not to mention messing with this." He couldn't blame him. He even almost pass out just to get this out of the planet.

"It depends. That's why also they here. To look out for you."

He sighs and agree to help Astro. But something feel unsettling for him. Especially when he heard those voices that "help" him retrieve the crystal.

After meeting, they decided to try the crystal out first. And they choose to try it at Planet Quabaq. Obviously because they can't try it at the station, afraid it might destroy the station.

When they get teleported to Quabaq,thanks to Ochobot, they headed to the battle ground where Boboiboy train.

"Are you ready Boboiboy?"

"As I'll ever be!!"

He split into three and started to throw some attack to it.


Blaze looks like ready to beat up the crystal (he decided to use second-tier for safety) and charge it.


The crystal didn't budge a bit. But instead it trap Blaze into this crystal gripper. They were shocked, how can this crystal could protect it self.

"Let... Me... GO!!"

He's struggling to get out of the crystal grip, the more he moves the more stroger grip get.

"Grr... Panah Ais!!"

He shoot the crystal, but it froze it and it break into pieces. Then the ground shacking, and grab him. He also struggling to get out.

Now only left Gempa to face it. But surprisingly, he didn't looks angry, he looks so scared of it. He fall down while looking at the crystal. Then, without he realise, the crystal grip him tightly. They had no idea how the crystal had its own mind

The crystal then decicded to attack them but Yaya quickly bubble it up and it stop attacking everything. As they realize it work woth it's own mine, that thing also stop when it inside any confined space.

The elementals gladly manage to get out of the grip. It was pretty strong not even them could handle it.

"This thing is a pain. I don't like it." Blaze groaned as he knocked Yaya's bubble.

"Blaze stop it." Ice couldn't help but agree as well. He then turn behind and look at Gempa. He look... TERRIFIED.

He goes towards him and ask..

"Are you actually okay? You look like, afraid. Something's wrong?"

He look at Ice and smile.

"I'm fine. I just need to think first." He can't help but look at the crystal. Something seems off about it. It feels like it was calling for him

They gather around to see the crystal, it look like it trying to escape. It aware everybody.

"Hurm... So it can protect itself."

"And also create its own protection by trapping the intruders."

They were confuse, how this thing, the former source of power for the planet as they thought at first, could be alive and protected itself.

"We should stop today."

They decided to go back to TAPOPS. Tok Kasa notice something unusual about the crystal.
They decided to put the crystal inside the power sphere room. As they closed the door, the crystal started to shake, trying to got out of the bubble.

Then something grow around the charge port of the power sphere. Something, shiny...
The shadow from before sneak into the control room and try to find any information that they needed until.

A door opened reveal C.Kaizo. He looks around the room. He felt there is intruder in here. He go inside and look around. The shadow hide as well as its can without Kaizo notices. He pull out his sword and try to stab it. The sword nearly hit the shadow.

When he try to take it back, Amato call him for a "special mission". He grab his sword fast and started to leave the room. Gladly the shadow did not caught.

It gave up and try to find a perfect place for its to hide away for awhile. It will continue its mission if it had any idea just yet. The shadow will come to get the rightful thing it's owner own.

Sorry for late update! Only one this time cause of school. I will do one update to Prob, Mondays - Friday if it school week. And weekend/holidays I will do 2 times of updates a day. Anyway love yall. Don't forget to vote and share!!

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