Big Smile In The End

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A few days had past and Boboiboy and his friends now life has turn 360°. Station TAPOPS has been built, they received tons of mission. Specifically mission from famous name and/or league.

Their names are all over the universe. Because of the unwanted incident that happened with the USL, Astro has been prison even if he's state every reason why he do so.

What about USL? Well they had a new boss. It was the shadow! No just kidding. It was one of Astro right hand man who has snitch everything about him.

About Petra, nobody know about his situation. After the incident in the planet, nobody can find his body anywhere. Some believe it already died together with the explosion, or he still alive and ran away.

Boboiboy P.O.V

Wahhh!! I am so tired. We received so many mission lately to the point I forgot what rest it! But I'm glad commander and admiral give us a week off for awhile.

Right now we decided to have a breakfast together. It's been so long since we did this together. We even ate separately.

"So... Want to visit Tok Kasa at the hospital?"

When Fang said that, I just remembered the incident again. It was hurtful to. But all of us agree to visit him.

"Sure why not!! I bet he misses us!!"

"Wow.. you sure had high hope. I bet that old man trying to prank us when he knew we visited him!!"

Typical Gopal, always had a doubt. It's not like he never did that to me before. I didn't talk much throughout the conversation, that's when Ochobot realising it I'm not really talkative anymore.

"Hey are you okay Boboiboy? You're pretty quiet lately?"

"Yalo! What happened? Something bothering you?"

"No... Just everything that happened lately. I still can't rid off the fact that what happened was just a few days ago!"

Of course they would agree with me. It was so frustrating. Something's come to my mind about the crystal residents now. How are they doing now?

End of P.O.V
They finally arrived at the Bima S. Hospital thanks to C.Kokoci willings to give them a ride. They go towards the counter to ask which room Tok Kasa was put it. After received the room number they walk to the elevator.

Finally arrived at the third floor, they find Tok Kasa's room. His room was pretty far away because Astro offer a VIP room for him. They opened the door to see him sitting near the window while smiling.

Tok Kasa realise their presence and greeted them with weak tone.

"Hi guys! Miss me already. Not a big deal, this wound only small, I've been through worse."

As he joke around with them, he notices Boboiboy's disappointed face looking at him.

"Something's wrong kid?"

"Oh! No nothing... Just thinking of something..."

"What was it?"

"Hurm..." He murmured none of them could hear it. Even Fang who close to him barely even hear him muttered.

Tok Kasa sigh as he know there is something else bothering him. He couldn't figure it put what was it but he knew it.

"You can tell us! What's the matter?"

Boboiboy gave up and explain to them.

"It's just... What the queen said to me. She want me to rule over her kingdom.... I mean, that's a big responsibility. How come she put such a trust to me. Plus, I wonder how the residents are now."

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