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After the shadow reveals itself, the awaken dragon growling and roaring, destroying the entire planet. The others that outside the castle were shocked to see it. The dragon getting wilder and started to stomp on the castle.

Meanwhile, in the castle, Gamma, Balak, Ochobot, Adudu, Probe and Retak'ka had a little time to escape from the castle. The rest of Astro's assistants being crushed by the dragon. Astro fly up on leaving his injured employees.

Astro then tight up the dragon using the energy rope so the dragon would do anything for him. The team that were just inside the castle finally escape and run towards their friends.

"What happened?!"

"What happened is that thing is awaken and now we need to run!!"

Adudu who already scared, answer Amato and beg him desperately. Maskmana who still holding the shadow came towards them.

"Wahhh!! What's that ugly thing!!"

"Yo, you had no different. You even uglier than me."

When the shadow and Probe just fighting over who's uglier, Astro didn't waste any time with their nonsense and "rule over" the dragon. They had no other choices beside runs away, but if they did, more damage could've cost  before they even come up with a plan.

"What shall we do now?!"

"We had to hold him down in this planet before calling for help!! Guys!!"

The other understand the assignment and rush to the castle. Maskmana, Ochobot and Adudu rush to their ship to call for help. While Adudu helps them fix their connection, Maskmana questioning the shadow what is Astro's other plan than just awaken the dragon.

"So... Is there any other intention he did this?"

"Why would I tell you."

"Haih.... From now and then, you will regret for not telling it. Now, WHAT. IS. HIS. PLAN!"

The shadow did not open a mouth. Not even after the threat he get. Maskmana had to find other way to make the shadow speaks, but if he didn't tell him, he had to use the hard method.

"Fine, if you insisted on me using the hard method."

The shadow "gulped" and ready for the so called "hard method" to make him speaks.





They try their best to hold the dragon, but it feels nothing compared to anything this dragon had done.

"You think that will stop me!!"

Astro pulls out the Crystal Heart and put it on the chain that attached around the dragon's neck. The crystal glows up making the dragon become more aggressive. It shot a beam of light, scattering the entire planet with it.

"We had to stop the dragon, I can't hold it anymore!!"

Gamma looks carefully with Mr. Astro. He looks... POSSESSED? He wasn't sure about it so he made a plan.

"Nova! Voltra! Ying! I want you to distract the dragon!! Captain, sir Ramenman!! Would you mind helping us pin down Mr. Astro?"

"If manage to, we will!!"

"Blizzard! Beliung! Dad! You guys come with me I had other thing to plan."

"What about us??" Gamma nearly forgot about them.

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