Unlock The True Power

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"See. I'm helping getting rid off the problem!!"
Petra who's right now holding Gempa at the very top of the building carving a sinister smile. He really is taking this situation as a joke. The other is getting frustrated with him.

"Don't you think getting rid of him would be far more helpful. Well here let me help you see why you holding them back."

He snapped his finger and the crystal golems rise up and attack them brutally. He let Gempa looks at them fighting those golems.

"Well looks what you have done. All of your friends suffer because of you holding them back from their true potential. I kinda wait for this to happen."

"No... I'm not!!"


Petra laughing at his current situation now. Hopeless, useless, not helpful. He felt terrible down to his spine. He looks at Petra's amusing face to see how hopeless all of them. But something not enough for him. They didn't use their true potential in fighting. He needs to pull some other trigger.

He already knew what set them off, now only to find the trigger to pull for its to explode. He looks at Gempa with evil smile. He put him down and trap him inside the crystal. He ordered the crystal to catch all of them and gather to see his "performance".

"I'm bored. We all bored. Why don't I amuse you guys with a little "show".

He pointed his palm m directly at his Gempa's face and it started to glow. They show a concern look towards Petra who are going to "kill" him.

"Heh... Why don't you witness me getting 'rid', off him. FROM. YOUR. LIFE!!!"

His hand glows up try to "shoot" him. But the elementals had enough and they disappear from everyone sight. Petra stops his action try to look around. He grabs Gempa and run off. Thing that he did not realise is somebody after him.


He dodges the attack barely while bringing Gempa in his hands. He knows that they will show themselves. But he still needs to be careful since now is 6 v 1.
On the other situation, Maskmana and Amato were the first to escape from the golems grip, follow by Kaizo and Ramenman. The others are still stuck but manages to escape except Gopal. Ying and Qually who brings Ochobot along running towards them. But before they arrive to their location, the shadow hindered them.

"Where do you think you're going~~"

"To save our friends!! Arghh!!!" Qually land an attack with his new spatula swords but fail. He is now terrified and the shadow finally trap him.

"Qually!!" Ying and Ochobot yell at the shadow who are trapping Qually.

"Hmmpff!! Hmpff!!"

The shadow did not realise an attack.


It was a big and thick smokes cover the surrounding the place revealing two certain persons. Ying, Qually and Ochobot were shocked to see them there.
While the other fighting with Petra's crew, the golems is holding them back from fighting. It getting harder and harder to fight them.


They heard an explosion far away from their current location.

"What's happening there?!"

"That is not our deal right now. Now we had to defeat this rascals!!"

"Harsh word admiral..."

"I know."

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