Begins Of The War

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They were on their way to Ochobot's location with their new plan. After a long journey, they finally arrive at the location, the planet where their last mission is.

"Well here we are. How we should find them here."

"There the castle where they hiding."

They landed pretty far away from the kingdom's ground for further safety. As they walk in the kingdom, they finally saw Petra and his crews up the castle.

Petra welcomes them with an opened arms and big smile. He really is a maniac for doing so.

"AHAHAHAhahaha... Everybody came!! I'm surprised!!"

He walks towards them while being something from behind him. He pull out something that they have been search for.


He play with inactive Ochobot like it's a ball toy. Juggling it like it was nothing. They that still down at the town square are getting angrier.

"Well...well... What do you think? My plan works!! Why don't we have fun for awhile."

Suddenly, his bracelet started to glow and the ground started to shacking and creating a spiky crystal that attacking them.

"Guys!! Be careful!!"

A huge spikes striking them multiple time while Petra is having fun with the new power he's controling.


Boboiboy try to distract Petra from attacking more. He can feels the heat going around his surroundings. He did not realise that Ochobot that he hold has been confiscated by someone. When the heat gone he looks at Ying who take Ochobot away from him.

"Grrrr.... Attack!!!"

His crews then started to launch each of their own attack towards them. The rest of the team try to hindered Petra's crews while Boboiboy, Fang and Amato trying to attack Petra. Petra saw them coming and giving them a piece of his mind.


He trap both Fang and Amato with a crystal grip. Now only left Boboiboy(Blaze form).

"Well kid? Wanna tries me? Then come at me!!"

Petra goes to him in his maximum speeds trying to attack Boboiboy. Boboiboy manage to dodge it but he couldn't stands the ongoing attack.

"I-I!! Ca-can't stand it!!"

He then disappear from his eyesight. He looks around to find Boboiboy that just disappeared. He's ready with a sharp crystal gloves on him waiting for him to come at him.

"Come here kids and fight me!!"


Petra looks up and saw seven version of Boboiboy.

"Now the real fight begins!!"
Petra now facing one versus one with Boboiboy. Well actually seven versus one. 

"So we playing hard eh?"

He saw one of them and already had a plan to come up with.

"Then we will start the war!!"

He was the first one to launch at the seven of them with his attack. But they dodge it with ease. Now the fight is getting spicier with Boboiboy showing almost of his true potential.

"Panah ais!!"

Petra dodge the arrows but get caught by one and get freeze immediately. He tries to escape but failed.

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