Big Palace?!

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When they arrived at the planet, the planet look like a mess from a fight. Big and small weapons scattered around the place. They took a picture of every inch of the place.

They explore around the planet only to find more and more weapons until... They found a giant gate that lead to a big town.

"Woah... The design of these gate is marvelous!! I've never seen anything like these!!" Ramenman was amazed by it.

"How to open these thing?"

Amato tries to pushed the door but failed. They thought destroying the gate would work but if they destroy it, it may caused any other buildings near it destroy too. Thinking to fly over it but it's too high and the highest point of the gate is too cold.

"What can we do now?"

"Are you sure this is the right idea? I don't think this place even had anything anymore." The ??? Questioning his leader choices.

"Don't worry... I know what I'm doing.."

At the TAPOPS situation

"Hurm... This is troublesome." Maskmana complained.

As they still observed their surroundings, Boboiboy notice something. A small pillar near the gate. He go towards it and try it. Suddenly...


The suddenly light up and open it up by itself. People then look at the source of it.

"How did you do that?" Ask Fang.

"I'm not sure.. but at least it open."

They ignored the fact that Boboiboy open the gate and go inside the entrance. The not so good sight is still there. All the buildings and houses were destroyed. nothing left except all the metal pieces and rocks.

After a long walk they discover something that they think as the town center. After observing everything they continue walk until they encounter a very high and long stairs that lead towards a very big castle.

"Are you sure we need to walk up this stairs... It so.... High up." Gopal grumble because he had no choice and already knew the answer of his question.

"Gopal stop whining and let's go. We already left behind." Ying then pull Gopal up to stairs because their is no other choices anyway.

After reaches the first point before the castle, they stop for awhile.

"This is a big and long stairs." Yaya said.

"Their is nothing for you to complain. You don't even walk!" Gopal is angry and tired at the same time.

"Hey!! What about me? I'm the one that pull you up here. You think I'm not tired too." Ying is unsatisfied. The least she want to is a thank you.

"Guys, stop fighting. There is more than your problem we had to face. We still far ahead from that castle." C.Kaizo then walk towards the edge of the broken stair.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just to see about this building. It was well- made. I'm not sure howwas this place even get destroy badly."

"Nothing to worry Kaizo. The more important thing was to reach up there. We shall continue." After that, they continue their walk.

Boboiboy sense something unusual. Something that bad will happen. Ochobot couldn't help but noticed it.

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