Achieving the Goal

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The fight begin with Petra started first to land a hand on Boboiboy. But he manages to dodge it. Boboiboy disappeared from his sight. It making Petra anger rises to the top of his head.

"STOP BEING A SCAREDY CAT BOY!! FIGHT ME!!!" The other look at him. He really out of his mind right now.


The entire hall fill with cold and breezy snow that turn into a big snowstorm.

"Urghh... T-too... C-cold.." The snowstorm blurred everyone's eyesight. Petra who getting even more piss off pull out one more weapon.

"Come out.. come out wherever you are~"

Blizzard could see him from afar through the snowstorm. He can see that Petra try to lure him into his trap.

"Cih.. I can't let it be. He still holding onto that crystal."

The snowstorm then stop slowly revealing other. Boboiboy presence wasn't nearby. He's somewhere around Petra.

"Where are you~ Let's settle this down one v one."

"PUSARAN BELIUNG!!" A big tornado grab him and throw him right at the wall.

He woke up from the attack but something seems off. He wasn't there at all. When Yaya walk up to him, a pice of crystal was broken. Plus, there is some kind kind of hologram device.

"He's.... Not here?!"


Ochobot was working on something towards the crystal. He examined everything if there any possibility to manipulate it.

"Ochobot fast!! In the security room, there is no sign of Petra's presence."

"Sir, it's still on processing."

Mr. Astro was in panicked. There is no sign of him. And yes, he's survive. Ochobot's on the other hand is still handling something.

They heard a big explosion and noises outside. A familiar voices.
In Boboiboy situation. He decided to split and search him around the HQ. The other as well, the other staffs was capturing Petra's crew mates and put them in prison.

"Where is-"


Nova overheard the explosion noise near the main control room. He ran up and started to calling other through his watch. He run as fast as he can until he saw him in front of the door.

"He's here... With..? OCHOBOT AND MR. ASTRO?!" Nova was shocked to see Mr. Astro still alive. He's still stay quiet and hide behind the wall.

Petra walk in with the biggest smile ever he made in his life. He's pointed his sword towards Ochobot and Mr. Astro.

"So here's you have been hiding~ Now.. I wont hurt you. Just give me that crystal, and my job here's done."

"Why would I?"

Petra chuckled. He look at the crystal and look at Mr. Astro back.

"This is last chance~"

Then a big slashes of sword strike him from the behind. He was thrown right at the wall pass where the crystal is. Voltra then try to took Ochobot and Mr. Astro away but got stop by him.

"Wait!! The crystal is still there!!" Voltra look at it and look back to Petra. He hasn't wake up just yet so it will give him some time to get it.

"Nova!! Bring them to a safety place now!!"

Nova only nodded and bring them to safer place. Voltra on the other hand try to take the crystal away before Petra notices. He slowly wakes up to see Voltra is trying to reach the crystal.


Voltra was shocked and took the crystal and run away. Before he even leave the place, he had a time to destroy the door so Petra couldn't leave. It will buy his time to run back to a safer place.


He ran as fast as he could and finally reach to the meeting room where they were hiding.

Everybody in there looking exhausted. Nothing they could do right now except run away.

"I've already call the other elemental leaders for backup helps. They will be here soon enough. What about Petra?"

"I don't actually know. I trap him inside the room and left." Boboiboy then fuse back and fall into exhausted state. At least he did save the crystal.

When Mr. Astro try to took it, it broke instantly and shattered. Everybody in the room was shocked to see it.

"What the-? Are these fake?!"

A big explosion appeared outside the room. When they open the door, they could see Petra running away with the real one. His crewmates also got away from the prison. They run as fast as they could to catch from the entrance but he manages to escape.

Before they even leave, he decided to leave a message before he ran away withe the crystal just to mess with them.

"I told you I will get this...  This was only a climax.."

His ship take off from the HQ as fast as they can. The other were only could watch them fly away. With the most dangerous treasure every aliens had talking about for years.

Mr. Astro has fail himself to protect the crystal from one unknown villain. The other look at him with guilt to protect it. They standing there silently waiting for the elementals ships to come by helping them.

When they arrived, they were shocked to see the HQ situation. They go down and help the other for their recovery.

"So what's happening?!" Kuputeri ask them since it looks like they were attacked by some unknown strong villain.

"Th-they... They took the Crystal Heart.."


Yes they were in shocked. They knew how bad the situation could be if that thing falls into the wrong hands. But they were too late. Petra already left the headquarter. With a smile of victory.

Petra was sitting on his chair and rubbing his scar. A scar that Boboiboy left on his right cheek. He still piss of the fact that Boboiboy could actually land a hit on him.

But he doesn't care because that wasn't his main priority..... yet. Yes not yet. He smiling while looking at Boboiboy's profile and biodata. Everything he wanted it is on this kid hand all along.

He get up and go to the secure room where he keep the crystal in place. He smile while looking at it with full of excitement.

"My plan going pretty good. We will finally retrieve our rightful leader."

Before he walk out, he take a look at it for a few second and close the door. One of his crewmate come up to him.

"Sir we will be arriving at that planet in a few weeks."

"Good job Ishi."

He walk back to the control room and look at the galaxy scenery.

"Finally, the real plan begins.......


WOOOOHHH. Finally I updated it. For the next chapter I will update probably tonight, either late night or early. But don't forget to vote and share this book!!! Byeeeee!!!

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