The Voices

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As he hear the voice, he couldn't help but need to find out what is the problem. Ochobot saw him struggling and ask him if he okay.

"Hey.. are you okay Boboiboy? Somethings borders you?"

"Actually yes there is.. I keep hearing this voices... And it couldn't stop!"

"What kind of voice?" Fang interrupted.

"They calling me, for help."

Ochobot and Fang look at each other.

"Maybe we-"


They immediately go outside and saw a big mess. They walk up towards Amato and Kaizo.

"What happened?"

Both of them didn't answer Boboiboy but instead look at each other plainly.

"It just... These paintings. I think I've seen thing. They all move by itself."

Guess not only Boboiboy having these haunting experience.

When he told both of them about his situation, they decided to follow the voices. They walk aroun the entire castle hoping found something.

"Over here"

All of them stop. Guess that they also hear it.

"Do you guys hear that..." Fang then trying to find the source of the voices.

"I think it was over there." Amato pointing at the dark side of the hallway. They then walk until they found a big door. So many locks cover the door even something blocked door. Something like a crystal.

"How to open this thing?"

As they trying hard to open it they received a call from Ramenman.

"GUYS!! Hurry up we found something at- AGHHH!!"


After the call ended, they overheard an explosion sound just outside the castle. They rush outside when they saw all of their friends in a very critical state but they still be able to fight.

The black shadow saw them at outside the castle and started to run away. Before it even manage to it feel something chasing him.


"Wh-What the f-!?"

Before it even cuss and escape too. It got thrown away by Boboiboy. Something fall out of it jacket without the mysterious shadow realise but Boboiboy did.

It try to run away but got hindered by Kaizo and Fang.

"Gari tenaga!!"

"Jari bayang!!"

The shadow manage to escape those attack until...

"You sure you're going anywhere without a fight!!" Mechabot was always ready for an action.

"Mechabot Blaster!! Tembakan Plasma!!"

The shadow was shocked and try to find a place to hide. Then it realize something.

"Heh! See ya!"

The shadow disappeared just like that but the attack that mechabot did wasn't going anywhere and got hit one of the building.

"Dang it!! That thing ran away!!" Mechabot throw his frustration at Amato for no reason.

"What was that anyway? Are you guys okay?" Amato walk up to Maskmana and help him get up.

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