Who's Return?!

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They were on their way to save the Planet Gur'Latan. Gladly they arrived at the right time. They saw Petra attempts to attack one of the soldier with his hand glowing.

Kaizo and Ramenman the first one to charge first. Petra look at them and smiles. He pull one of the soldier and make him as his defense.

Both of them dodge their attack and move back away from him. Petra laughs at them and let go of the soldier. He walk up to Ki'Rana slowly with "no harm".

"Your majesty~ I, Petra, wanted you to fulfill my simple request."

"You wanted my grandmother's sword right?"

Chuckled turns in a maniac laugh. He wipes his tears and continue talking.

"Why yes!"

He then started to launch his attack directly at Ki'Rana.


His attack was blocked by Boboiboy. He's getting even more excited right now. Now he could learn more about Boboiboy's power.

"Well, well, well. Now we could play now don't we? Then let's have it!!"

Then obviously, they started a fight. Launching and falling apart. It turns into a big fight that almost destroy the entire planet. But what they didn't realize, they are other people stealing the sword.

"Ugh!! You will never catch me! Coal!!"

He call one of his crew that brings out the sword. They manage to steal it. They were shocked to see him escaping easily. Before he escaped, he has one more thing to say before he left.

"Oh! Hey kid. Yeah you. I like your power but I want you to retrieve everything you need to upgrade your power. I hope you understand what I'm saying kid. I'll come for you later." He left with a questionable but manage to answer by some.

He wants that elementals power. But why? On the other hand, Ki'Rana decided to not join the meeting and stay at her planet and fixes everything. Kaizo also decided to stay and help her out. They went back to USL and decided to rest.

In the meeting room, Maskmana finally understand his real purposes.

"We all finally understand wasn't it? That every he stole is something related to Boboiboy. But we still unsure what he will do." He explained.

"Hurm... What should we to prevent this? Put a high security and wrap around him?" Tarung is getting frustrated with Petra's stupid riddle. Not only him but others as well.

They couldn't risk on loosing one of the most powerful power on the wrong hands again.

"We need to investigate the ancient scroll first. We still don't know what it meant by now."

"We will help you guys!" Mr. Astro offers help to them so their job done a lot faster.

"But before that. We need to inform the professors at the Mech-Tech University about Petra attempts to steal the Eclipse Telescope." Kokoci already understood the assignment and send an emergency message so they could prevent or at least slow the process.
A few day had past, Boboiboy is training with his friends inside the training room. None of them received any mission just yet, and they did understand why.

Petra's words is lingering around his head. About why he wanted hum to upgrade his power more. What did he want to? Pissing him off? Worrying him? Because those feelings does happen now.

"Alright guys!! Let's rest for awhile."

They take a rest at the nearest cafe where they were training. Like normal they had a normal conversation until Fang open up a story about what was Petra said to Boboiboy.

"Hey Boboiboy! Have you ever thinking about what Petra said to you a few days ago? About him wanting you to upgrade your power?"

"Yes I have been thinking about that before. He's.... Honestly hiding something from us. I mean, we only get that he wants my power but, what else is on his mind. It's pretty expected."

"I have to agree. I don't think he wanted Boboiboy's power particularly, but something else specifically."

"I think you're right Yaya. It might as well might be that kind of speculation. But none of us nor the other members would think of that for a real reason why he stole those thing. I bet he wanted to do something with that weird ancient creature."

As his friends talking about the situation, Gopal was having a headache hearing them. Until something crosses his mind. It might be crazy but he thinks it still worth it to try out.

"Hey, I think he wanted Boboiboy to do that weird ritual like he did with that crystal before. I mean, I recognize the shadow that stick on him the whole time. Maybe that's why it has something to do with Boboiboy's elementals."


Yup, a silent. They never thought of that before. This is the perfect time for Gopal to shine his smartness. A very perfect time.

"Bro, you getting so smart lately. You scaring me..." Fang was disbelief by his answer towards their questions.

"I think what he said was true. It might be that reason."

"Hey Gopal!! You are getting good at these don't ya'!!" Gopal only chuckled and scratch his cheek after getting a praised by his friends. But was it true? Petra wanted only that from Boboiboy?

A voice outside could bear. A very similar voice. They got outside of the room and have look at the main entrance. It was a shocked.

Everybody stand there, questioning why he was here. Why would he ever step himself at such a place.

He looks at Boboiboy with a menacing look. Boboiboy had a fearful face. He thought he has defeated him.

"Hello, Boboiboy."

"We meet again, Retak'ka..."

It was so tense. The atmosphere was so thick not until Mr. Astro ask his employees to surround him ready for an attack. He raise both of his hand as a sign of surrender. They were even more shocked.

"I come with no harm. I come to warn you guys. I'm on your side..."

Well.. it has been reveal! It was him all along. I would say, it was pretty much expected but oh well,🙃. My school section is begin again so that mean 1 time update per day unlike usual. Anyway don't forget to vote and share!! Hope y'all enjoyy!!!

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