Crystal Dungeon

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The next day

Boboiboy woke up from his sleep. He looks so miserable. He just had a terrible nightmare. He was trap in some kind of crystal cave.

He get off the bed and head for a shower. Gopal is still asleep but Boboiboy wake him up. Ochobot is still charging in the room.

After he done, he open the door and suprise that entire door was covered by crystal.

On the other side, A.Tarung try to destroy those crystal. But it keeps growing even more faster and faster. Even C.Kaizo try to help but it got worsen.

Fang try his best to find a way to Boboiboy and Gopal's room. He spend almost an hour going around in circle.

"Where is their room?!"

"Mop!! Mop mop mop!!"
(Help!! I'm stuck here!!)

Fang heard the voice and try to help the mop alien. It's pretty hard since the crystal keep spreading to his leg..

Boboiboy saw Fang struggling to help the mop alien. He decided to help him out. Gopal who just got out of the shower was also shocked to see the entire station cover with crystal.

"What just happened here?!"

"I don't know but stop worrying about this. We had to help this mop aliens from getting stuck from this madness."

They help as mush as everyone who got stuck from the crystal and move them to a safer place. Yaya and Ying finally found them while carrying the other staffs to safer place.

"Guys!! We need to find commander and admiral. I don't think we can hold this anymore. The crystal is spreading every inch of this station!!" Yaya is panicking while helping more of The staffs to move.

They bring as many staffs as they could and try to find a safer zone.

C.Kaizo run towards them and attack the crystal that was attempted to attack them.

"Go to infirmary guys! Fast!! I'll handle this."

They ran as fast as they could to infirmary. When they arrived, their is a lot of other staffs that was hurt and trap inside the crystal.

"I'm glad you guys are here. Please bring in them."

They bring the rest of the staff inside and quickly lock the door.

"What just happened?! Why is the station cover im

None of them know what just happened. It happened so quickly. What they don't realize that the crystal started to spreading inside the infirmary.

"What about the power spheres?!"

"Sai and Shielda is headed to power spheres room an hour ago. I'm not sure what happened to them." Everybody was concerned. Something bad might had happened.

"Fang! Yaya! Follow me. We're going to save Sai and Shielda and also the power spheres!! Gopal and Ying stay here and keep an eye on this crystal, it getting spreading pretty fast. Commander is there anything else?"

"Well A.Tarung and General Amato is still in control room to get a emergency help. They still couldn't get it. I think the crystal is effecting the connection."

"Hurm... Ying were you be able to help out?"

"I guess I can."

"I'll come with you!" Ochobot offer helps too. Now left Gopal.

"Gopal, will you protect all of this staff from this crystal by yourself?"

He was a little bit scared but anything to save himself as well he's agree too.

"Yes I can!"
Yaya, Fang and Boboiboy situation

They ran towards the power sphere room but was blocked by a giant crystal.

"Do you think the crystal that we kept in here the one that causes this?" Fang having a make sense theory.

"I guess it is. Yaya can you punch this?"

"I'll give it a try."

They giving Yaya's some space to punch the crystal blocks to open the door.


She charges to the door and shattered the crystal. Boboiboy and Fang just( :/ )looking at Yaya but that did congratulate her.

They open the door to find Sai and Shielda got trap inside the crystal. And they knew it. It was all the crystal fault. It cover the entire room with crystal. But it didn't harm the power spheres surrounding it.

Ying and Ochobot finally reach to the control room but the door also cover by the crystal. Ochobot scan the inside of the room and yes, Tarung and Amato is still in there.

"What are we gonna do? They're trap in there!"

Ochobot got and idea. But it might be risky.

He contacted Amato through Mechabot and ask if he be able to shoot the door.

"Are you sure about this idea? It's a bit risky."

"Risky or not the door is cover this crystal. We had no other way to go in there!!"

Tarung and Amato look at each other. They had no other choices, if they want to escape they had to destroy the door.

"Well.. are you ready?"

"Both of you should step away from the door. Mechabot is ready to shoot the the door."

Both of them step away from the door before Mechabot attempts to shoot it.


The door and the crystal destroy. It does hit a little bit to the wall, but since the crystal cover almost the entire wall, it protects it from the blast.

They got out of the room and decided to headed back to the infirmary.

"Wait, what about the emergency call? Does it work?" She ask them before go to the infirmary.

"We had try our emergency call that call directly to USL and others agencies. But I'm not sure of it's will reach it. Something's wrong with the connection."

"But do you guys able to send the call?"

"We do."

Then they ran back to infirmary. But there is big problem. The crystal manage to cover the entire hallway to infirmary.

"How are we going to pass this?!"
Gopal's situation

The crystal get spread the almost the entire entrance wall. Gopal try his best to turn those crystal into any fragile foods, but the crystal turn itself back faster.

He was in panicked and hope that his friends manage to help them out.

"I hope you guys are fine.."

The shadow was in panicked. It was trap inside the storage room for almost 3 hours. But gladly it manage to got out. It did not realize someone watching it's movement.

"Hurm... I must find that thing."

Hi yall!! Hope you like this one! I feel like it was pretty short but I think I will try to make it as long as I could. Don't forget to vote and share!! Love yall!!

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