Arrival at HQ

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After a long journey from TAPOPS and the disaster, they finally arrived at the USL headquarter. The headquarters was huge and shapes like a "bonang".
(The pictures was up there)

They enter through the side of the headquarter, and landed the ship. Everyone was safely arrive and headed to require room for them.

"Thank you Mr..Astro for giving us a place to stay for awhile. I can't believe it it was destroy again."

"You welcome Kokoci. Anything to help you guys. But I would say I'm sorry as well because I shouldn't have let the crystal stay with you guys."

"It's fine. Something that we actually unexpected."

Before the gang actually headed to their room, they decided to ask the other a question.

"Commander... Admiral... What should we do now?"

"We decided to have a meeting, but I think you guys need some rest. Go ahead to your-"

Tarung's was cut by Mr. Astro.

"Actually... I think you guys are needed for this meeting. I can assure that you guys could provide some information about what just happened."

They look at each other for a moment.


"Well, we can provide some information."


Then they headed to the meeting room to start their discussions. But something bother Kaizo for awhile, who was the shadow is.

They take a seat around the table. And a hologram of the crystal was reveal.

"As you guys are here now, we are going to discuss about this crystal. It has destroy the entire TAPOPS station completely. Any question before I'm continuing?"

"How actually does this rock can actually destroy almost entire station." Panglima Yanari is a little curious.

"We couldn't explain that just yet cause it happened so suddenly."

As they in their meeting, they talked about what happened in the power sphere room.

"So what happened actually in the power sphere room?"

Fang answer his questions.

"When we arrive at the power sphere room, the crystal almost took over entire room. Sai and Shielda was trap inside a crystal. But gladly the power spheres didn't get harm."

"And when we manage to take the crystal out, it was deactivated itself and the crystal surrounding us stop spreading."

Boboiboy, Yaya and Fang then continue explaining everything. Mr. Astro think for awhile. He then comes up with a conclusion but decided to keep it for awhile.

"Turning your hand into crystal?"

"Yes. But it feels like normal hand."

"I feel like this crystal might more than what we're expected."
A worker team was moving the crystal into the experimental room. As they didn't realize there is something follow them inside the room.


"Huh... What's that?"

The worker walk up beside the table near the door and look under it. The shadow quickly run away before it got caught.

"Hurm... What was that?"

The worker then get up and continue his work. The shadow slowly walk into one of the empty room without everyone notice.

They put the crystal in a bigger glass box where it was protected. No one can get it nor the crystal got out. Boboiboy and Gopal was on their way to their room. But they decided to stroll around the headquarter. It was pretty big for them to finish tour the entire HQ. Maybe took almost half a year to finish.

"This place is enormous!" Gopal was amazed by how big the place is. And maybe because how big their cafeteria is. Boboiboy only could laugh at his friend and continue walk around the place.

The longer they walk, they finally arrived at their room.The room was 2 times bigger than their room. It looks like it could fit 6 peoples in it.

"Wahh!! Im so tired after everything..." Gopal lay down on the bed as he complained of what just happened. Boboiboy could only smile with his friend.

"I must admit. What just happened was so suddenly." He also lay down on his bed as he heard Gopal's complain.

"Dey, Boboiboy? Do you stop practicing after what just happened now?" Boboiboy look at him.

"No. I'm still practicing. Tomorrow Tok Kasa decided to teach me new thing. Something that I could guess obviously. Wanna come tomorrow?"

"Hurm... Yeah why not. I'm bored anyway."

They then continue their chit-chatting until midnight.
Tok Kasa was talking with other elemental's users/leader in the special dining room.

"You guys do now, I wasn't the only one that feels something off about this right?" Tok Guru Gaharum the first one to bring up the situation before.

They look at him confuse. What is he up to.

"I mean, look what just happened. All just to get the crystal."

"No doubt but you're right tok. All of this, it happened after that step in to that station." Mas Gardu also having a doubt woth the situation as well. Hoping others also. It come tot heir sense that they think the same thing.

"Agree, I feel something bad might happen in further future."

All of them throwing a concern face to at each other. Suddenly there's two persons walks in to the room interrupting their conversation.

"Uhem! I'm sorry to bother you guys but are you guys also feel something off too?" They look at who's the one that talk and it was..

"Amato? Kaizo?"

It was them walk in to the room. They've already suspected this mission is a little bit suspicious. But they still keep quiet until they open the story to A.Tarung and C.Kokoci while they on the ship before they got here. They also suspected this mission, but they couldn't denied.

"Yes we also suspected this. But we better keep quiet. I can feel someone is here."

As they continue talking, the shadow hiding behind one of the table learning something for its to report to its boss.

"I see... So they can feel my existence in here. I better be careful."

The shadow then decided to left the room and find a place to hide. It cannot expose itself just yet. The new plan was just a beginning.

And today, it was run smoothly as it's wanted too.

"Kekehehehehee.... Those fools would never get in my boss plan. They will eat their own plan..."

Sorry not updating yesterday. It was busy day because my school having a booth day for every students. Plus, the internet feel not cooperative with me. But I'll post today 2 times maybe late night but I will.

So stay tuned guys!! Don't forget to vote and share plus follow me and the book!! BYE YALLL!!

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