Was It The End?

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They were in intense situation. Where they had to find a way to put a stop to this monstrosity. A nightmare as other people said. A lot of peoples had been sacrifice.

Astro is getting out of hand and look like he could explodes in any second. They try various way to stop it but fail. Now the last way, take away the Crystal Heart.

After hundreds of times trying to pin down the "tired" dragon and Astro, they finally trap them. Kaizo who are struggling pin down Astro while some of the ships try their best to hold down the dragon.

Voltra then got up to the chain and try to pull out the crystal but fail. He call out some of the elementals and help him out.

"On a count to 3. Ready!"

The dragon growling as it try to escape their grip. They are getting scared if they might fail and the plan was just a was just a waste of time.


They all grip the crystal tightly.


The crystal then started to come out of the chain.


They finally manage to pull out of the crystal and the dragon collapse nearly hit them that were still on the ground. The hit was so impactful it destroys the entire stairs that lead to the castle. While Astro on the other hand, collapse down and pass out.

The crystal was thrown pretty far away from the castle. They try to chase down crystal until it was break. They were to late, the crystal already shattered.


"Impossible... It was already been shattered."

They had no words that could express the situation.

"What should we do now?" They had nothing to think of now. It's already end. But not that long.

The crystal float and started to merge into one and transform into one light ball. It then turn itself into silhouette. A very unfamiliar silhouette.

The silhouette looks at them with dead face. No expression just dead. The silhouette looks around the situation and turn back to Boboiboy. She walks towards him menacingly giving everyone a shiver.

"Who are you...?"

"Well, technically we are all the same person. We're Boboiboy..."

"Oh... The elemental user... Interesting."

She's inspect him very clearly and thoroughly without missing any single flaw that Boboiboy had. After a long observations, she decided to speak up again.

"Perhaps you had injured yourself aren't you?"

"Badly injured as you can clearly see!" Nova answer her rudely but being stop by Blizzard.


He then fly upwards and started to shoot their surroundings with a beam. The dragon that has been laid down was also been froze by the beam.

"What are you doing!!??"

The silhouette looks at them with no expression face and answer it without hesitation.

"Fixing everything you've done. EVERY. SINGLE. THING"
C.Kaizo brings Astro's body to the ship where C.Kokoci and A.Tarung. He put him on the stretcher and decided to help the other after hearing the explosion.

"Wait, Kaizo!"

"Hurm? What is it commander?"

"I have other plan. But I need your help."

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