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After the pouges hung out that day and ran from the police they all returned to their homes. "June come here" Her father yelled "what" she sighed "where were you last night?" He asked "I went to Sarah's" She told him "okay bye now" he ushered her out.

June got ready for that day and called Rafe

JUNE: "hey do you have any plans for today?"

RAFE: "no do you wanna come over?"

JUNE: "sure"

RAFE: "okay"

As June headed over to Rafe house she noticed that there was a storm coming. June headed inside the large home and went to his bedroom. "Hey babe" she kissed him on his cheek. Rafe muttered a hello and sat on his bed.

"you okay" she began to go suspicious "no I'm not" June was stunned by the sudden outburst of emotion "you keep hanging out with those people" Rafe look pissed but disappointed at the same time, it kind of reminded her of her father "what" June laughs awkwardly "I don't know what your talking about" Rafe looked up at her with a mad expression "you hung out with those dirty pogues" Rafe clarified "no I was hanging out with Kiara and her friends were there" Rafe got up and paced the room while June sat down.

"God you are so dumb June, you think I believed that" he began to yell. June looked at him disgusted and left. Rafe didn't try to stop he just let her go.

Later that evening she showed up at the château. "They jb wanna surf the surge" she yelled through out the house not seeing anyone. She heard him yell back a yes the heard his big ass feet walk from his bedroom. John B gave her a tight lipped smile the motioned to the door.

They both got to their spot with Pope "those aren't surf-able waves guys" Pope hesitated "all waves are surf-able Pope"June laughed before running to the water, John B and Pope then following her. After a couple of waves June and John B noticed a boat, but not thinking anything about. Pope yelled to them to get their attention then they left.

John b dropped off Pope and him and June went to his house. June and John B were the closest pogues, not in the way you would probably think but they weren't lovers they made that very clear. They were more like sister and brother.

As they enter the château they noticed JJ sprawled out on the pull out sofa. John B and JJ did their hand shake and John B went to go change. June noticed jj was smoking a blunt then of course took it from him and took a hit. Jj being pissed off, glared at her while she took a couple of hits. When she took her last one she blew the smoke off on JJ's face and gave it back to him. JJ looked at her then put it out and went to sleep. June being herself offered that she sleep on the couch and JJ sleep in the guest bedroom, but jj denied it and convinced her to sleep in there. "Okay fine, night" she gave him a slight smile "night dumbass" he sarcastically gave her the same smile. June smacked his forehead laughing then heading to the bedroom.

June was abruptly woke up from a loud bang of thunder. "Fucking hell" she sighed not being able to fall back asleep. She walked out to see JJ, shirtless, still sprawled out on the pull out sofa. Since she didn't have any service, because she was on the cut, she just rolled a blunt and took JJ's lighter and went back to her room. After a few minutes she heard walking in the hallway. "Get out" she rolled her eyes "You really thought you were going to take my lighter and I would not notice" JJ walked over to the bed where she was sitting "Just take it back" she said before taking another hit. JJ them snatched the blunt away from her a took a couple of hits.

"I thought you were asleep" she admitted. JJ glanced up at her. "God he is beautiful" she thought "wait no what you hate him". "Yeah I was there I heard your big ass feet stomp out to the living room" JJ laughed "shut the fuck up" she also laughed. JJ saw her shiver, so he handed her the blunt and went back to the living room and grabbed his sweatshirt. As he walked back he noticed what he was doing "what are you doing you hate her" he thought, but his feet carried him to her room and demanded she take it.

"No I'm not taking your sweatshirt" she began to grow annoyed "just take it, it's not that fucking difficult" She looked at JJ with a "really" face and sighed. "Fine dumbass. I'm only taking it because I'm cold" he smirked at her the took the blunt out of her hand and left. "At least close the door dumbass" JJ came back and 'sarcastically' blew her a kiss.

"Good night JJ"
"Good night June"

June woke up to the sun beaming straight onto her face. She walked out of the room in JJ's sweatshirt. "Cute sweat shirt June" JJ smirked as he grabbed a beer "Agatha really did some work" JJ admitted as June and him walked out to where John B was. "Hurricanes suck" June sighed "mhm" John B agreed.

June went to go get ready, but was she did there was a knock on her door. She slipped JJ's sweatshirt over her white swimsuit before opening the door. "What do you want" she asked leaning against the side of the door frame. "Just wanted to come get you. It's time to go get Pope and Kiara" JJ grinned at what she was wearing. June then grabbed her bags and went out of the door.

"Let's got children"John B called from the HMS pogue. "Shut up" she laughed going to stand next to him. After a couple of minutes John B noticed something "are you wearing JJ's sweatshirt" he asked with a low voice "no" she replied quickly pulling it off and throwing it on to one of the seats.

"Okay whatever you say" John B smirked.

ABBY SPEAKS/ sorry this chapter is coming out so late

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