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The three of the pogues drove to Heywards on the hot summer day. The boys talked when June put on sunscreen. "Do you guys need any" she asked. They both replied with a no and continued talking.

"hey JJ" JJ looked up from talking with John b "never mind" she muttered "what" He smiled "can you get my back" JJ looked a little surprised by her question because it's usually something stubborn or annoying when she talks to him. So JJ walked over to her and took the bottle from her hand.

He squirted some in his hand an applied it to her back. June noticed that she probably needed to move the strap of her bikini so she did.
"Woah June not here" he smirked "JJ hurry up and finish" he snickered "that's what she said" she began to grow irritated so she took the bottle and finished applying it to her shoulders.

"Hi,Miss Amy,you guys get though it" June yelled "still here" The women smiled "she totally looked at me" JJ 'whispered' to John B
"I saw it" he agreed. "Dude look at this place" John B huffed and JJ whistled in response "Agatha, what did you do" June smiled at his comment "she is a crazy lady" John B added.

"We'll be cleaning this all summer" JJ groaned"that is my nightmare" June walked over to where they were "oh fuck me" she sighed under her breath "when and where" JJ smirked "it wasn't an invitation" she rolled her eyes. "12 tonight at my house. Come through the window" she whispered in his ear smirking. JJ looked at her shocked by her words "oh-okay" he stuttered.

They made it to Popes and tried to convince him to get on the boat, and suggest-fully did . "Hey" the blonde girl smiled. "Hey babe" Kiara smiled walking down her dock.

JJ put his hand out to help her on the boat but June couldn't help but feel a spark of jealousy in her chest "June stop it" she thought.

"You okay June you seem a little tense" jj smirked "shut up JJ" jealousy laced in her tone. John B glanced at the girl seeing the jealousy bubbling in her.

"Let me show you a party trick" June rolled her eyes and moved over to John B "Hey Pope, can you go a little faster" JJ asked "doesn't work" Pope sighed. Kiara moved over to where John B and June we're sitting "he's going to get himself killed" June whispered to Kiara "one hundred percent" She laughed. JJ proceeded to tilt his beer to his mouth aiming for it, but of course it's JJ and the beer went flying everywhere but in his mouth. The other pouges yelled at him to stop but before they did the boat stopped abruptly throwing June into the side of it. "Ow fuck" she muttered under her breath rubbing her soon-to-be bruised shoulder. "You okay June" Kiara and John B asked "yeah" she replied.

"Guys I think there's a boat down there" June highly doubted it, but to her surprise there actually was a boat. Before she knew it they were all jumping in to look at it. The pouges all came up and got into the boat. "That's a Grady-White a new one of those is like five hundred Gs, easy that's a promo rig" JJ laughed "yeah that's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge." John B looked at June nodding "yeah it is" June agreed "that's my boy.Pouge style" JJ congratulated John B.

"What the heck" Kie exclaimed "You guys surfed the surge!" June smiled to herself but a few seconds later Kiara hit the back of her head "ow" June muttered.

"Wait do we know whose boat that is" Pope asked "No, but we are about to find out" June walked over to grab another beer from the cooler and couldn't help but shiver at the cold breeze on her damp skin. JJ had noticed and grabbed his sweatshirt and threw it at her. "Hey can you grab me one" JJ asked "no grab your own beer" She told him with a cocky grin.

"Dude it's too deep" June laughed to herself "that's what she said" Everyone then gave her a "really" look then carried on. "Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ" John B announced "Well, I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front" June said before taking a sip of her beer. "That's fine" John B grabbed the anchor holding it up to his chest. Kiara said something to him but June wasn't listening. Before she knew it JJ had shoved John B into the water.

They waited anxiously for John B to come up,staring into the water below. When he did eventually come up he brought a motel key with him, which is slightly disappointing to be honest. They grabbed the anchor and drove to where the coast guard was, hoping to report the boat. But what they didn't know was that Scooter Grubs' body was laying in the same marsh.

John B, JJ, and June went to go talk to the coast guard about the boat "um excuse me" June tried to get his attention "Excuse me" John B yelled "sir" June tried again "Hey man we found a boat" John B tried to tell him but he yelled at them and told them to leave so the three of them walked away in defeat to the others.

"So what's the plan" June asked "I know who, we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat" John B swung the key around "we don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone" Pope spoke "I'm in" JJ agreed "come on I'll be lookout" Kiara smiled "come on Pope, a little adventure never hurt anybody" June giggled. "Finders fee just sayin" John B patted him on his shoulder "and hey at least you'll only be an accomplice" June grabbed his wrist to usher him on. Pope mutter under his breath "come on bubba" June skipped down the dock to the boat excited to the adventure.

ABBY SPEAKS/ hey it's been a VERY long time since I have published a chapter and I'm VERY sorry about that and sorry this is not my best writing!!

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