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Since I was the last one out of the window I was sadly being stuck on JJ's side. "We're going to get caught" I shuddered "no we aren't it'll be okay" JJ reassured me.

No not this again. I don't have feelings for him and he doesn't have any for me. Then why is he being so nice. June stop it. You hate him and he hates you.

JJ must have felt my body grow tense because he shifted, making the gun fall down. He instantly pulled me closer to me and put his head on my shoulder. "You'll be okay" he whispered. I smiled at his recent kindness, but it probably won't last long. I glanced over at John B to see him grinning. "Shut up" I mouthed rolling my eyes.

We heard Shoupe and Plum leave. So we got off of the side roof thing and went back to the HMS Pogue.

"You guys could have warned us sooner" I glared at Kie and Pope "we would have, except Pope was on the math team" I plopped down next to John B "saw you and JJ pretty snuggled up on that ledge earlier" he winked. "Stop it i hate him" my face grew a light shade of burgundy. "That's not what your face says" he scoffed "the cops took everything like it was a crime scene" John B announced "did you guys find anything" Pope wondered "Did we find anything? No, I don't think so."  JJ paused "oh, yeah, we did" he pulled out the gun and wad of cash.

"What the hell" Pope exclaim "dude what". I sighed again at his stupidity "Why would you take that from a crime scene" Pope once again exclaimed "don't blame me it was Junes idea" he put his hands up in defense. "You fucking-" I tried to get up before John B grabbed my arm and yanked it down. I then slubbed down in my seat.

"Dude chill. Come on it's better than the cops having it" JJ reassured Pope. "Are you serious" Kie gave John B and I a 'really' look. "It's not my fault he is stupid" I defended myself.

"I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship" Pope worried. "At least you have us, right?" Jj reassured the brunette boy. "I'm living the nightmare" Pope backed away from Jj.

We made it to the dock going over to all the commotion. "Scooter" I heard a lady yell "Scooter? Oh god" she sobbed. "Oh the poor lady" I sighed "imagine having to lose your husband" I looked over to Kiara, who agreed. "You won't have to worry about that, June" Jj smirked "why's that" I scoffed "Cause you'll already be taken by me" he wink sliding his arm on my waist.

As the blood rushed into my cheeks I looked away and moved over to Kiara. "Who's that" John B asked a blonde girl "it's Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got" I glanced over at the phone, but that's not what made me want to puke.

"Shit shit shit shit" I whispered under my breath trying to grab all my stuff.
"Hey what's wrong" Kiara asked worried "he's here" I was nearly on the verge of tears. But as Kiara were talking him and Topper walked over. "Hey babe" I froze "hey" I said getting a bear from the cooler I was sitting on with Kiara. I saw Topper give Jj a glare and in return Jj winked at him.

"So what are all of you doin' today" Rafe asked obviously wanting to annoy them "we just-" Rafe cut me off grabbing my wrist "No June I want to hear from them" He smiled. I saw JJ's muscles flex when Rafe grabbed my wrist. "Woah. Wait. what. Why'd you say Woah" I thought. "We just went out on the marsh and talked" Kiara gave him and Topper her fake smile. "Okay, she'll see you pogues later" he pulled me away "bye" I mouthed to them and smiled.


*you don't have to read the next paragraph*

Rafe, Topper, and I all got in Toppers jeep. He then dropped us off at Rafes house and left. He dragged me up to his room and slammed the door shut. "What the fuck June" he yelled ,shoving me, making me drop my bag. "What the hell" I yelled back. "You really think I would notice that you stayed over at John B's house last night, you whore" He grabbed my neck shoving me into the wall. I gasped for air. I slapped him, trying to make him let go. "You're such a whore, probably going over there to cheat on me with John B or even worse Jj" he tightened his grip.
I then thought of something, so I pulled my leg up and kicked him in the stomach. As he let go I fell to the floor, hitting my side.

⚠️END ⚠️

"I'm sick of this shit Rafe. First you hold me at gun point. Then you hit me all the time, and you then pull this shit. We are over." I yelled storming out of the house, running over to mine.

"Where have you been" my dad yelled from the living room "Rafes" I yelled back "oh really" he walked over to the kitchen, which was where I was. "Cause he came askin for ya an hour ago" he crossed his arms "I left before he woke up and went to Kiara's" I tried walking away. "Who did that to you" his hand pointed at my side "No one" I muttered "who" he asked again "No one, I fell" I sternly told him running up the stairs to my room. I instantly texted Kiara.


After Rafe showed up and took June we headed back to the house. John B, Kiara, and I were all sat on the porch. "Okay. So, um we didn't see anything. We don't know anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia" Pope told us "Actually, Pope's right for once" I spoke up "See, I agree with you sometimes. Deny, deny, deny" I stood up going to stand next to John B.

"Guys we can't keep that money" Kiara announced before her phone went off. "Okay not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara" I spoke the truth "We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs. Otherwise, it's bad karma" She said before looking at her phone

"Bad Karma to be implicated in a felony, too. We gotta go dark" Pope agreed "if that means we get to keep the money then I agree" Kiara looking at me like I was crazy.

"I don't agree" John B stated "what? Why?" I asked "Just think about it. This is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about. Same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole. Shit, one time I saw this dud begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas. We're talking about a dirtbag marina rat who's never had more then 40 bucks in his pocket, all of a sudden he's got a Grady-White? Just sayin"
John B spoke. "Uh-I have to go" Kiara panicked "what? Why?" I say at her outburst of emotion "it's June" she looked over at John B "uh- I'll go get her" John B ran inside and grabbed his keys "who was it" he asked Kiara "Rafe" she looked like she was on the verge of tears. Pope and I looked at each other with the same expression "what about Rafe" we both asked.


"John B is coming to get you." The text popped up on my phone "okay thanks" I replied. About ten to fifteen minutes later he pulled into the drive way and quickly got out of the car "holy crap are you okay" he asked noticing the bruise and tear stains "now I am" I replied pulling him in for a hug. "Do you have a place to stay at tonight" he asked "yeah I'll stay at yours" I grabbed my bag and put it in the van.

ABBY SPEAKS/ YAY NO MORE RAFE ❤️ also the rest of the story will be in June's pov.

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