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After that experience I had to head home. I walked into the silent house and into the living room. I saw my dad, asleep, on the couch. On the table by the couch I saw a rolled blunt, a lighter, a cigarette pack, and a couple of bottles of beer. I stared longingly at a couple of things on the table. I quickly picked it up and ran to my bedroom.


I slowly closed the door, locking it. My body sat in-front of my door. I looked at my weapon in my hand. "you deserve it" I thought. It flickered a bright color. I pulled a cigarette out of the pack and lit it. I took a hit and sighed. After a couple of minutes the cigarette was about to be finished. I turned over the opposite wrist and placed the tip of the cigarette to put it out. Later, after a pack of cigarettes my arm had circles of ash and burn marks.

My phone lit up. A text from John B. "I'm outside of your house" it read. "creepy much" I thought. I went over to my bedside table and placed the objects in the drawer. I picked up a random sweatshirt, a shirt, and a pair of shorts.

Rushing, I went into the bathroom. I changed and brushed my teeth so iI could try to get the aroma off of me. "A bottle of perfume would work too" I thought going back to my bedroom and spritzing some on me.

"What took you so long" John B asked "I was asleep" I lied, it wasn't obvious though, I even believed it.

We drove to what it looked like to be a light house. "Redfield Lighthouse. That's my dad's favorite place" I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. "You okay" Kiara mouthed. I nodded my head yes in response. I could tell she didn't believe, but she went with it.

We all got out of the van. "Right here's what going to happen. You're gonna post up and look out for bogeys, okay?" John B told JJ and I "Wait why us?" I asked "Because you're not coming" Pope glared at me. "Why" I crossed my arms "Look, June and JJ there are independent and dependent variables. You guys are independent. We don't know what you'll do." He told us. JJ and Pope then proceeded to yell at each other.

"Listen to me for a second. Pope, you stand look out with them. Okay. If we get split up, we meet back at JJ's house" said John B. "Great" Kiara agreed.

The three of us sat in the humid van. "Aren't you hot" Pope asked "I'm fine" I faked a smile. "I'm bored" JJ announced "good for you" Pope responded "Let's play truth of dare" JJ suggested "you i'm good with that" I smiled "Pope truth of dare" JJ asked. "Truth" JJ rolled his eyes "You're boring. Anyways is it true that you are a big fucking nerd" Pope rolled his eyes "no i'm an idiot like you JJ" I chuckled under my breath.

"JJ truth or dare" Pope asked "Truth" He leaned back in his chair. "is it true you hate June" My face lightened with a pink tint."yes" JJ says with no hesitation. I glanced at him with disbelief. "June truth or dare" JJ asked "Truth" I gave him a stern glare. "have you ever kissed one of your best friends" He asked "Kissed! Please i've made out with mine" I laughed.

Both of their jaws fell to the floor. "Who?!" Pope exclaimed "Kie" I smirked. "Next time that happens please invite me to watch" JJ grinned.

A few seconds later a loud noise came from behind the van. "Cops" I looked out the back. JJ jumped into the driver seat and drove quickly.

We sat in JJ's porch silently. I got up and walked into his house to the kitchen. "You've made out with Kie" he asked in disbelief  "You hate me" i said in the same tone with a shocked look on my face. It quickly faded into into a stern glare. "You know I didn't mean that" He walked over to me. My hips rested against the counter. He was right in front of me. 

"Do I really" I tried to walk away. His arms caged me in between him and the counter. "You know I didn't princess" He whispered, his lips brushing against my ear. My body shivered. His hands glided down to my waist. He attempted to lift up my sweatshirt. I shook my head. "no" I grabbed his hand and entwined our fingers. "Why" He looked concerned "Pope is right over there" I lied. That wasn't the real reason. "you just have to be quiet" His hand went up to cup my cheek. "no JJ" I frowned "Did I do something" he grabbed my wrist. I inhaled sharply. His hand lifted up my sleeve. "June" his voice trailed off. "These are new" His eyes met with mine. I felt little droplets of water run off of my cheek. "You lied. When you said you were sleeping you were" My heart dropped to my stomach.

He paced around the room "Why. Why would you do that to yourself" his eyes started to water "JJ it's okay" i went to hug him "No. No it's not" His arms grasped me tighter then ever. "Is it because of him" He asked. I didn't answer. His hand went up to wipe my tears. "You can't tell anyone okay" My hands laid on his chest. "I promise. I wont" He put his pinky out. I latched my pinky with his and tied the promise.

ABBY SPEAKS/ sorry i haven't updated this chapter and sorry it's so sad ❤️

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