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Long story short the Royal Merchant was absolute bullshit. But now Kiara, JJ, Pope, and I are going to the outdoor movie in kooklandia.

"I'm so glad that they're still doing this" Kiara announced "Keep calm, Carry on. Back to OBX life". "We're out of the green zone man" I over heard Pope tell JJ. "Dude, tranquilo, okay?" JJ reassured him "Pope, calm down, man. It's gonna be okay" I told him. Kiara and I walked over to concession to get us drinks and snacks.

"Hey can I get two Pepsis and one Dr. Pepper, please" Kiara asked politely "Hey June, Kie" Rafe walked over "Hey, uh, Kiara could I get a moment with just June for a second" He asked. I nodded my head to her that it was okay. She hesitated but grabbed our drinks and went back over to the boys. I grabbed Rafe by the arm pulling him so we were out of sight.

"What do you need, Rafe?" I asked "I wouldn't have believed it June Heart hanging out with pogues" he chuckled "hey, how 'bout you sit with us" he gestured to Kelce and Topper. I laughed in response "Rafe, are you out of your fucking mind" i slightly yelled "I'll take that as a no, but uh tell your boy we know what he did" he stepped closer to me. "Which one?" I asked not getting what he meant "he'll know".

"He knows" I told the two guys as I took my seat between them. The boys glanced at each other in worry. "Who knows what" Kiara spoke up "Nothing" we all spoke in unison "woah that was creepy" JJ said out of instinct. "Shut up" I spoke through my teeth. "Hey no secrets amongst pogues what's going on" Kiara asked. The of us glanced at each other again. "Where are they" Pope asked "behind us" I told him.

The two boys turned their heads to see the three kooks staring back at them. "Don't stare" I hit their heads. "Ow" the both muttered.

The movie began as the people around us quieted. A few minutes later Pope told JJ "I gotta take a piss". Pope leaned in front of me. "Hold it" JJ told him "I can't, man". "They're blocking the bathrooms" JJ told the brunette boy. JJ paused "come on" Pope got up. "You too" He told me "wait what, why?!" I panicked "you'll be watch" he ushered me.

"where are y'all going" Kiara asked "gotta go take a piss" JJ told her "together and why are you going" she asked me "i don't know, JJ said I have to" I shrugged my shoulders, eating the last couple of M&Ms I had. "Aww, they're all gone" I groaned "June, come on" JJ yanked my bicep "fine, asshole".

"This is what a blowjob feels like" Pope told the blonde boy "Hold up what" I slightly turned my head from where I stood by another tree "like you'd know what that feels like" JJ laughed at the boy "this is what I imagine a blowjob to feel like" Pope corrected himself "are y'all done, we're missing the movie" I groaned.

I heard foot steps from a little away and low and behold Rafe, Topper, and Kelce walked out. "JJ.." my voice trailed off. "Look at what we have here" Rafe grinned walking towards me "what do you want, Rafe" I asked "we just wanna talk to your boys" Topper replied for him. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back. "Let go of her" JJ yelled at Rafe "what are you gonna do, pogue" He laughed. Out of instinct I kicked Rafe in the back, making him tumble over.

I chuckled quietly to myself "you're gonna regret that" Rafe got up and began running at me. JJ then grabbed him and punched him in the nose. I saw Topper and Kelce corner Pope. "Get away from him" I yelled. As I said that Pope head-butted Topper. But sadly Topper began beating him up. "Get off him you asshole" I heard another female voice yelled. I saw Kiara run at Topper and hop on his back.

"Rafe stop it" I shoved him away from JJ. Rafe shoved me back. I stumbled a little but I regained my balance "hit me Rafe" he paused, so did JJ and Kiara, and Pope, and Kelce, and Topper. "June" Rafe began "Fucking hit me Rafe it's not like ur would be the first time, right?" Tears began to form in my eyes "Hit me fucking back you pussy" my arms rose to his chest, beating on them. "June, June, June" JJ pleaded "Hit me Rafe" my voice cracked at how much I was yelling. "Guys come on" I looked over to see Topper dropping Pope on the ground. In the background the movie screen was in flames, burning.

I felt an arm drag me back to Kiara's car. When we got in I was in the passenger seat and the boys were in the back. The ride back was silent.

"Come on, Jay" I motioned he followed after me as I entered my home. I ignored the boy and went to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door as I entered. My hands landed on the sides of the sink. I looked up to see my tear stained face and a bloody nose "how in the mother fuck" I checked my nose "Hey, June, you good?" JJ banged on the door "yea" the words hurt my throat as I spoke. He tried to turn the door nov but dialed hence it was locked.

I reached over and unlocked the door "come in" I didn't look up to meet his eyes "hey" he grabbed my arm "what" I spoke "look at me" I looked up to see JJs gaze soften at state of my face "oh" his hand slowly went up to cup my face with caution. The only thing that was heard was silence. "Jay" I began "shh it's okay we will get you cleaned up" he hushed me "no I'm fine" I sadly laughed.

"June just listen to me for once" his hand connected with mine. He told me to sit on the counter. He grabbed a small towel and wetted it "hold still" he slightly whispered "Kay" I replied in the same tone "JJ you look worse then me I should be the one taking care of you" I stopped his hand "just give me a second" he told me. He wiped my nose and handed me the towel.

His face had a bloody lip and a cut on his cheek. I lifted his head with my head so I could get a better view. I dragged the towel on his lip and cleaned it as much as I could. I gave him a tight lipped smile and hopped off the counter.

"Im going to head to bed, night" I heard JJ say as I grabbed a water from the fridge "night Jay".

ABBY SPEAKS/ damn I haven't published a chapter in along time anyways hope you had an amazing also give me suggestions for later chapter!!

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