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Warnings: makes no sense at all, got lazy...

It was the third day the Blue Lock program started. She had arrived rather late due to her needing to deal with certain affairs, mainly trying to convince her coach to let her go and saying goodbyes to her parents because she didn't know when she'd next see them. Though she were grateful to Ego for letting her keep her phone, another good thing was that the place had excellent connection to the WiFi. 

Currently , (Y/N) stood outside the door which would open to the team's training room. Just about a week ago she felt confident on doing this, now however, she felt rather nervous. She shook her head and took a deep breath before jumping on pointed toes ten times. It was a short routine she did whenever she felt nervous. It helped to rid her of the nervous energy, it didn't help much, but it made a difference, and that was all she needed to gain control of herself. 

With that, she stepped into the room as the door slid open. Everyone had stopped what they were doing, those on the treadmill almost fell off of it due to the shock. The last thing they expected out of the inhuman project was for a girl, their age, to pop up. She took a quick scan of the team. Analysing their builds, she recognised only one out of them, Hyoma Chigiri, when she were younger, she had watched one of his games due to him just looking ridiculously pretty, that was the game he last played, where he experienced a leg injury in which he had torn his ACL. She sincerely hoped that experience did not scar him, even though she watched his game purely due to his looks that didn't mean he was  talented. He was ridiculously fast, even she herself wouldn't be able to catch up to him. And to be one of the lowest 11 out of 275? Something was definitely up.

She was just about to introduce herself were it not for Ego himself to show up on a blank screen to the right of her and the rest. She softly sighs in slight relief as the awkward gazes that were once on her had turned into confused ones and were mainly directed at Ego. "Hello unpolished gems. I'm sure that you are confused as to why there is a girl your age standing by the door when this is an all boys program. You may or may not recognise her, if you don't you've been living under a rock. Either way, this is (Y/N) (L/N) currently she is the striker and ace of Japan's U20 woman's football team, and is also the only girl member of New Generation World 12. As you are the weakest group, I've presented you the opportunity to be coached by her. She's gracefully accepted the request so I'm sure you'll treat her with respect." With that ending, Ego signed off and his face disappeared off the screen.

Now everyone's attention has shifted back to her, she clears her throat, "ahem, so as Ego said, I will be coaching your team for the first selection, as for what happens to me during the second selection, it remains unknown to me. Ego has provided me with your overall statistics and I've had a rough analysation. For now, I want you all to return to what you had previously been doing, I will go around the room having an individual talk with each of you." She runs her fingers through her hair as she finished her short speech and watch as one by one they return to what they had been doing. She made her way towards the one who was closest to her. 

It was a black haired man whose sides were shaved. His figure seemed to shake as she approached him, he was working on his biceps so it made sense as to to why he was trembling. His eyes spotted her and he paused, placing the dumbells on the floor. "Hello," she greeted him. What she found even more amusing was that he was shaking even more than he was previously. "H-hi, I am Iemon Okuhito," he replies. She takes a seat on the floor, crossing her legs, she was wearing jeans either way. "Take a seat Iemon-san, I'd like to ask you a few questions. I assure you it won't take up much of your time," she tells him. He stiffly nodded as he sat next to her.

"So Iemon-san according to the statistics Ego has provided me with, you're an average all-rounder. The top best being your physical ability and power. That I already know, so tell me Iemon-san say you're in a situation where you have two defenders on you, 18 metres away from the opposition's goal, to your right you have a teammate excelling in mid-range shots but he too has two defenders on him. However, he is more skilled than you in every other aspect. Now say to your left another teammate calling out for the ball, he has no defenders on him, so an extra defender heads to mark him. Now envision this extra scenario. The game is a tie, 30 seconds left till the game ends. What do you do? Do you pass to your teammate on the left, or the right? Or perhaps, do you take the chance to score, knowing that the outcome of the goal decides whether or not you're able to continue with your football career and as a striker."

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