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warnings: none

You yawned as you walked out of your room, dressed in casual clothes and walking funky as your muscles were now sore as sore could be. But at least, you didn't need crutches to walk. You ran your fingers through your hair as you walked down the corridor to head to the field where the sounds of yelling seemed to be coming from.

But just before you were about to enter the field, your phone rang and you stopped before taking your phone out of the pocket. Quickly answering the call and bringing it to your ear, "hello? Who is this?" You had answered quickly so you hadn't bothered checking the Caller ID.

"Hello~" a familiar voice sang through the phone and you frowned, quickly pulling your phone away from your ear to see the Caller ID, 'sae'. Then why did the voice belong to Shidou? You bite your lip before bringing the phone to your ear once more, "Shidou? What are you doing with Sae's phone?"

"I stole it from him!" he said, almost proudly at that to which you grinned at his words before you turned around and walked towards the monitor room to relax. The place was comfortable and cold and quiet, what more could you want. "Does he know?" you ask him as you try to listen to the background noises on Shidou's side. Then you hear Shidou protest about something and more noises and then you are greeted with the voice of the phone's owner.

"Yes he does," Sae said blankly through the phone. "Ignore him (Y/N), he snatched my phone when I was away."

You nod your head before you pass, "oh my god. Did y'know what JFA did?" You ask Sae with a scoff. "They did a lot of things, I might as well be finding a needle in a haystack," the boy dryly said as you paused before huffing and reaching the monitor room. "Fair, but anyways, I'm not allowed to participate in the match," you say as you take a seat.

Silence was on the other end of the call and you had thought the line between you and Sae had cut off as you frowned, "...Sae? You still there?" More silence before he speaks up, "...you're not allowed to participate? The fuck?" You let out a scoff as you nod your head, "yeah. I was pissed...but what am I to do? Either way, how's being in the U20 team going?"

"They're no better than kids. This team's shit," the boy said bluntly to which you laughed at. "Pffftt- have fun Sae, what about Shidou then?"

"I FUCKED UP THEIR ACE!" the said boy yells from somewhere far away from Sae considering how distant he sounded from the phone. "MOTHERFUCKERS SHOULD JUST GIVE UP ON LIFE AND DIE!! LOW EXP SLIME."

You burst into laughter at his outburst and at how he sounded so proud of himself. "I assume the team isn't taking in Shidou's presence very well," you say as you stop laughing. "They said they'd boycott the game if Shidou plays," Sae says dryly. "I'm forced to play house with them."

You let out a hum, that was to be expected, considering how prideful Aiku and the rest of his team was. "Well, we'll see how that goes in two more days I suppose ," you say as you huddle yourself comfortably in the corner. "But I'm sure he'll get on the field," you murmur. "If not, you wouldn't be there for the second half right?" You knew personally the difference in skill of Sae and everyone else on that team. Although you were able to defeat that team, Sae's shooting skills were something you couldn't surpass. You admitted that much. Although your dribbling was better than his.

"I'm kinda surprised you actually stuck through to your words..." you murmur as you think about what he told you after Ego requested (more like forced) you to help in the program. You heard Sae scoff from the other side of the call, "don't be." After that, silence filled on the call and then you heard Shidou yell at Sae, "LISTENING TO THE BOTH OF YOU TALK IS LIKE LISTENING TO OLD PEOPLE FUCK." You laugh once more at his words as you soon hear a loud 'thud' on the other side of the phone.

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now