
887 40 10

warnings: none

You yawn as you walk into the field, wearing a casual black side slit shirt with its sleeves rolled up to your elbows and green cargo pants. Was it unfair that you were the only one allowed to wear your own clothes? You couldn't give two shits. Rin, Shidou, Karasu and Otoya all standing in the middle like aimless sheeps. "Oh? What's Little Ms Generation doing here?~" Shidou asked as he spotted you making your way towards them. You roll your eyes, "babysit you four and keep tabs on you."

You clap your hands as you yawn once more and rub your eyes, "alright people. Boys. Players. Whatever, I'm too tired to properly say anything. So, how this is gonna work is that now all the others have submitted their team of choice. Ego's gonna just randomly select the three that'll be in your teams for each round. Your goal is to ignore them as much as possible and remain in the Top 6 as you are all liable to change."

Karasu chuckled, "how funny. So we're expected to just treat them as a waste of space on the playing field?" You nod your head as you look to him, "yeah. That's pretty much it. They should be coming anytime soon so if you want or if you haven't yet, go warm up."

With that, you turn around to walk towards the wall, leaning against it. But just as you were about to close your eyes, the doors opened and you let out a groan, "not even allowed to catch a damn break." You open your eyes to see the new six players arrive and you push yourself off the wall. Isagi turns to look at you, "huh (Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Chigiri looked at you also with a confused expression as you hum, "Ego's orders. Anyways I'll repeat the rules for you all to hear. 5-v-5, first to 5 points wins. Goalkeepers will remain to be the Blue Lock man. Now get into formation and Team A will start the game."

You glance to Karasu, there was something...different about him. That gaze of his, you felt it during your match against him, he had been analysing your every move to get a grasp of your playstyle. Even before the game started he had begun assessing everyone, how shrewd. His gaze met yours and you held eye contact, giving him a raised eyebrow as he flashed you a smirk before looking away. You turn around and walk away, hand running through your hair as you sit down on the floor, waiting for the game to start.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ⚽ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Your eyes were locked onto Isagi, the moment the final round started for the tiebreaker, you knew something was up. Observing as Isagi broke through Shidou and Rin and impulsively shooting into the goal, scoring that necessary goal for winning. You stared at him as Isagi seemed to break out of a trance and stood in place. "...The flow," you murmured to yourself before you stood up and were about to announce the end of the round before a fight broke out.

You almost faltered as you watched Shidou and Rin fight as you grit your teeth before you rushed towards them, others trying to stop the fighting from happening. You bring your hands up to your head as you jam yourself in between the two of them, the kicks stopping almost immediately as you grab both of their ears and pull it towards you. "At least try and fucking get along! What are the two of you, children!?" you yell into their ears. "Any sort of damn violence will result in instant disqualification. So fucking act like the top two and get ready for the next bloody match! Mi maldito dios!"

You let go of their ears as you push them away from each other, both now clutching their ears but remaining silent. "Go sit down and take a fucking breather! Jeez!" you yell at them as you glance at Isagi and sigh, "...I'm getting the impression this is going to be a long day for me."

He laughs and nods his head, "how unlucky. I'd hate to be in your shoes." You smile as you nod your head and you look to his other two teammates, extending your hand to them, "I'm (Y/N), you guys are?"

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now