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She looks at the boys, groaning innerly, they sucked. They just wanted the ball for themselves. "ALRIGHT I'VE HAD ENOUGH. GATHER IN FRONT OF ME," she yelled out, the boys stopping what they were doing and did as she said. She looked at them as they all stood in front of her, wondering why she seemed so pissed. She took in a deep breath, closing her eyes shut. As she exhaled, she opened her eyes once more, a scowl on her face. She put her hands on her hips and gestured to everyone to sit down. The team exchanged glances, wondering who it was who messed up this time, but still sat down. "What you guys are doing is completely wrong," she said. "You guys are too focused on the fact that the one in the team who scores the highest will move on. Which is mainly just about you. BUT. YOUR APPROACH TO IT IS COMPLETELY WRONG. THAT IS ONLY TO BE USED AS A BACKUP PLAN. THE MAIN PLAN IS TO GET ALL OF YOU TO HEAD TO THE SECOND SELECTION. SO STOP BEING SELFISH PRICKS AND START WORKING TOGETHER."

The team was taken aback by her sudden outburst and Raichi, being hot headed as usual, yelled back at her, "BUT OUR TEAM IS CRAP. THERE'S NO WAY ALL OF US WILL MAKE IT, SO I-" (Y/N) glared at him, daring him to continue, instead he just winced and kept quiet. "When you are crap, what do you do to fix that?" she questions them.

Kunigami raises his hand slightly, and (Y/N) gestures her head towards him, allowing to speak. "Train," he says. She sighs and nods her head, glad someone got that concept right, "yes. If you're crap you train. Barely anyone is able to become a genius, and even from there they still have to keep working if not their talent will die out. Look at you lot, none of you are geniuses, yet you act as cocky as one. If you're gonna be cocky, at least be able to have a name to your cockiness. If not it'll just make people want to beat you up and show you reality. Like me right now. Take for example, what happened during the time you went against Team X?"

Bachira raises his hand, "you stole the ball from us and got a goal?" She nodded her head at the answer, "precisely. Does anyone know why?" Chigiri raises his hand, "because you got fed up and frustrated at how we were playing...?"

She nods her head again, "exactly. What you guys were doing was not football. It was practically just a bunch of teenagers clamouring over a stupid ball thinking it's all about them. At that time, you all were no worse than kids fighting over a toy." Her comment struck the boys' nerves, damaging their pride. But they kept silent and (Y/N) took it as a sign to go on. "Although, Ego wants you to be egoistic, and think it's all about yourself. You're taking his words literally. However, if you just focus on yourself, and think everyone else is useless you gain nothing from it. First you need to know how it feels like to win, how to score a goal, that's the first step to feeding your ego. If you cloud your mind with just scoring a goal and that 'me, myself, and I' thought process. If you end up scoring a goal, you don't develop that sense of satisfaction that you scored a goal, hence your ego doesn't change at all. So you need to change your mindset. Find a way to coexist with one another, working together, find out each other's playstyle. But while you're doing that, make yourself stand out. Show others that you're special, you're different from the rest. But do it naturally, never force your way. If you do, the situation will end up just like how it did in the round against team X.

"Someone who has a bigger ego will swoop in to steal the ball, leaving the rest of you in the dust. And to top it off, you lose the game. Now that situation works out for no one. And there's also no guarantee that the one who scores the most goals would move on. What if Ego was lying about that to simply toy with your mind?" she said, fully knowing that wasn't a lie, but hey, you can't blame a girl for trying. She folds her arms, staring at the 11 boys who were sitting down, staring at her blankly, she wasn't even sure if they even registered what she told them. She sighs, giving up, if they want to ruin themselves, let them crumble just as Rome had. "...Go back to training," she ordered them. The environment was tense but the boys went back to their stations, following the instructions their coach gave them. She watches them walk back and turns away, leaving the indoor training field.

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