第 六

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Warnings: slight mention of insomnia???, swearing

She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. Once again, she couldn't sleep, so she figured might as well be productive and rewatch the recording of the match and take a few mental notes on feedback for the team. She made her way towards the recording room and hear two hushed voices talking to each other. She opened the door to see Chigiri and Isagi both inside. They turn to look at her and she leaned against the doorway with folded arms, "what are you two doing here?" They look at her and blink before answering at the same time, "can't sleep."

She nodded her head, understanding their words before turning around and sighing, "I guess I'll leave you guys be then." They both nod their head as she turns around and closes the door behind her. Walking away and thinking of what the two of them would say to each other. Honestly, she couldn't really give two shits. As long as it didn't negatively affect their performance in football, she doesn't care what goes on between them. She walked into the dining area and was met with the presence of two boys. Reo and Nagi. Reo spotted her and nudged Nagi softly in the arm, "look Nagi. It's (Y/N)."

Nagi flicked his eyes towards Reo then followed Reo's gaze and his own landed on her. She looked at both of the boys and smiled at them politely, "hello. Nice seeing you guys again." Reo smiled at her and rubbed Nagi's head, "nice seeing you too (Y/N)." She nodded her head, "how's your games been going."

Nagi groaned at the mention of football, his eyes glued to his nintendo switch as Reo continued to rub his head, a grin on his face, "great! Been winning all the games by a mile." (Y/N) nods her head, "that's good to hear." A smile on her face as she continued to look at them, "could I take a seat here?" Reo nods his head, "sure, help yourself."

She smiles and takes a seat next to them before quickly getting up, "oh right, I came here for food- Uh- Gimme a sec? I'm gonna go grab some food." Reo laughs and nods his head, "sure sure."

She nods her head and walks towards the area where she extended her wrist so it could be scanned. The sound of machinery beeping and the scent of savoury food was strong. She gently picked up the plate which had emerged from the machine and took her utensils before heading back to Reo and Nagi.

As she sat in front of them, taking a bite of her food before swallowing it, "how come the two of you are up so late?" Reo shot her a smile, "Nagi wanted to have a quick bite and we've yet to leave." She nodded her head, continue to eat and swallowing her food. "I see, so who's the team you're going up against, for your upcoming game, I mean," she asked the two of them. Reo looked at her and shrugged his shoulders, continuing to rub Nagi's head, "dunno. Doesn't matter anyways. We'll crush them." She laughed softly and nodded her head in understanding.

Reo looked to her as she finished eating her meal, "you eat rather fast." She looks to Reo and shrugs her shoulders. "Perhaps I do," she says, her voice keeping a monotone tone. She sighs and hangs her head down, "besides. It was just rice and soup. It doesn't take forever to finish it." She looks at the two of them, "alright, I'll bid the two of you goodnight." Reo nods his head and hums in response, "'night." Using his free hand to wave her goodbye. She nodded her head and a small smile was on her face as she picked up her bowl and utensils, walking towards the sink and placing the tableware into the sink before walking away. Rubbing her head in frustration, she knew she couldn't go to sleep. But what is she to do?

She groaned as she decided to take out her phone and her eyes widened slightly at the sight of a notification from a person she hasn't heard from a while. She paused, stopping in her tracks before deciding to head into her room before texting the person back. Once she was back into the comforts of her room, she quickly took off her shoes and socks, placing the shoes on the shoe stand and her socks into the clothes bin. She slowly made her way to her bed, her phone tight in her grip as she gently sat down, leaning her back against the bed frame. She let loose a breath as she turned back on her phone and went into the chat.

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