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warnings: swearing

[second pov]

You look to Rin and hum as he nodded, you look back to the other three, "yup. We're fine with it." Aryu just stood there, looking back and forth, almost feeling left out.

The six of you walk towards the gate as you place your index finger on the pad as it scans it and confirms your identity. The gate opened and the six of you walked into the next stage where it led to a field. Both teams taking their respective places. You looked at Rin, "so? Our usual style?" He nodded his head, "just pass me the ball." You look at Aryu. "Aryu, could you help block Nagi? Since you're taller than him," you ask him. "And more styl," he muttered. You took his answer as a yes.

"This match will be held on a special 40 x 30 metre mini field. The goals are also smaller than normal. Both goalkeepers will be identically skilled blue lock men. The winning team will steal one player from the opposing team and advance to the next stage! The losing team will lose a member and go back a stage. It's a three-on-three battle for five points. The Second Selection round third stage Rivalry Battle!"

Once the announcement was made you look to Rin as you raise an eyebrow at him as he shakes his head in response, only making you let out a huff of annoyance. "I'll mark Bachira. Rin, mark Isagi. Aryu, at all times, make sure you mark Nagi," you told them as the sign for the kick off was sounded and you watched as Isagi passed the ball to Bachira. You ran towards Bachira. "Sorry (Y/N), but you don't scare me one bit!" he said to you as he started scissoring. You didn't respond, watching his legs and right as he passed you, you stole it from him. "Sorry Bachira. No hard feelings," you told him as you took the ball and started to run with it, in the corner of your eye, you saw Rin running alongside you and he sped up slightly. Once he had stopped you took it as your signal to pass it to him. You swiftly passed it to him as he caught it and shot into the goal.

You grin as you walk towards Rin, "nice one! Your range has increased so much." Rin sighed, "sometimes you forget I started playing football before you." You chuckled sheepishly to his words. You turned to face Isagi and the other two as they stared at you and Rin in bewilderment. "Sorry guys. But I'm not gonna go easy on you," you said to them with a more serious attitude. Rin looked at you, "your passes have gotten better. Easier to receive." You grin as you give him a thumbs up.

The ball was given back to Isagi's team and you looked to Rin, this time it was you shaking your head, you need to get a grasp of their teamwork. You watched as Isagi passed the ball to Bachira again who eventually passed it to Nagi. Aryu was about to block him were it not for Nagi passing the ball to Isagi scoring the ball and letting out a cheer. Rin scoffed. "That's enough. Now I've got a good idea of the level you guys are at," Rin said, you looked to him wondering what. he'd say next. "It's so mediocre I could die." You held in your laughter at his words, knowing it wouldn't be nice. You received the ball and passed it to Rin. "Battling with this single ball...you still think of this as just a sport right?" he asked them. "You should really just piss off...this is a battlefield. Just now, you turned your back on gun toting soldiers." With that he shot the ball from the centre line and your eyes widened as it went right into the net. You grinned, "so you can shoot from the centre line eh..."

He walked over to the goal and picked up the ball. "Let's just get this over with. This is seriously a waste of my time," he said as he turned around and looked at you. "Hold up. I'm putting my life on the line to be here too you know. You're also playing soccer for the sake of your dream right?" Isagi spoke up.

You sigh as you knew where this was going once more. "It's nothing as stupidly naive as that. Losing at soccer, means losing the reason for my existence. It's the same as dying. To me, soccer is a battle to the death," Rin stated. You stared at Rin, his concentration was on another level, now he didn't play for fun anymore. It was the mindset that pro players had. He tossed the ball back to Isagi's team, "bring it on so I can kill you. You mediocre playtime ends here."

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now