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warnings: none | (f/a) = fav animal

The minute you stepped out of the stadium, your vision was once more swarmed with the press. But it seemed as if they got your last message to them as they steered clear from you, only asking questions from Ego and the boys in front of you. You held your head high, each step had a purpose of itself and your face remained its usual appearance in front of the press, blank. You had your earphones in your ears, blasting music to drown out the thoughts in your head. It helped you to calm down. Rin travelled behind you but eventually made his way to the rest of the Blue Lock boys, leaving just you and Ego to enter the car.

You knew he wanted to say something to you, but now, you just wanted to calm down and not talk about it. The talking would be saved for later. So, it was a quiet way back to the main facility. But it didn't feel awkward, as if you could actually feel relaxed and be at ease for once. A rare moment.

By the time you arrived in Blue Lock, you felt slightly better, the music helping you to feel even more at ease. You were just about to head to the dining hall only to see the captain of the rival team waiting, presumably for you, at the entrance and you frown, taking out your earphones as you walk towards him.

"Are you supposed to be here?" you ask him with a raised eyebrow, placing a hand on your hip as you stare at him. He looks to you and musters a slight grin, "well, they had to at least accept the request of the poor captain who lost the game." You scoffed at his words, rolling your eyes at his statement, "not very convincing Oliver. But anyways, why are you here?"

He stares at you before groaning, running his hand through his face, "...they were good. We would've been trashed if not for Sae and Shidou." You continue staring at him with the same expression, "...uh-huh I know, so you're telling me this why?" The both of you look at each other, silence filling the place for a few quick seconds before he speaks up once more.

"When I saw you on TV, and how they said you were going to be part of the program," he started and you tilt your head at his words, listening to him with slight curiosity. "I thought, 'damn those guys are lucky'. I still do. I'd do anything to play against you."

You fold your arms, your expression slowly turning impassive as you think about his words and he takes a step towards you, leaning down, "so I guess what I'm sayin', is that I want to play against you. Again. Scratch that- as many times as possible. In order to get better so the next time I play against those I lost today, I can win."

His eyes shined with hunger, something you saw rather often. It was a rather odd request, he basically wanted to use you for his own benefit. You thought about it for a few seconds, continuing to stare at him before you let out a chuckle, "everything comes with a price. So the question isn't whether or not I'll play with you, but rather what you have to offer me." You offer him a small grin before stepping away from him and turning around.

"You have my number, call me when you've got your answer. My time 's money so don't waste it," you say to him as you walk away and head towards the dining hall. Aiku stared at you with slightly wide eyes before he let out a scoff and smirked to himself, putting his hands in his pockets before walking away, muttering under his breath, "as usual, you never change (Y/N)."

You crack your knuckles, letting out a breath as you enter the dining hall to see everyone celebrating, the environment was so vibrant that you couldn't help but smile. Baro was the first one to walk towards you, not even bothering with a greeting.

"You saw my goal," he said, staring down at you, almost daring you to say you hadn't seen it. You blink at his words and Chigiri was about to scold him for talking to you so rudely, especially with what they witnessed a while back but he didn't as you broke into laughter. Your eyes lit up as you laughed with a wide smile, "I saw. It was your goal. I'll never be able to forget." Especially with how he had ended up taking his shirt off of him, it was definitely something you wouldn't forget.

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now