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warnings: horrible descriptions on football being played

"Still don't understand what the hell you're saying Kaiser. English please," you say to him in English, sighing as you shake your head. He grins, "you're no fun."

You walk to him and place your hand on your hip as you stare at him and raise an eyebrow. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Germany?" you ask him. He raises an eyebrow back at you, "should it matter? Are you not happy to see me again after 3 years?" You look to him and huff, observing the changes, his hair has grown longer and he had that tattoo along his arm which was definitely new.

"You're even more cockier than I remember," you say as you roll your eyes. He just laughs and winks at you before he passes a ball to you, "I'll take that as a compliment." You catch the ball and balance it on your knee before you lift it up and the ball falls onto the floor.

You let out a breath as you look to him, "so you're the 'special guest'?" He looks to you, "what else would I be here for. Watching these guys kick your ass?"

You chuckle softly as you roll your eyes before you look to the 6 boys who were the opposite, only two of them seemed to be trying to talk, Karasu and Yukimiya if you remembered their names correctly. You turn to Kaiser and tie your hair into a ponytail. "You should thank me. For coming all the way from Germany to Japan just for you," Kaiser said with a smirk. You stared at him and stuck out your tongue at him, "as if. You probably came here because Noa finally got sick of you." Kaiser didn't tell you anything about him being in Bastard München but anyone in the football organisation would know who he was. After all, he was part of the New Generation World 12.

The guy didn't even seem affected in the slightest by your words before he looked to the group of boys. "They seem like amateurs," he said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes, "well to you they do. To the real amateurs they look like pro players already." Kaiser let out a laugh at your words before he looked back to you.

"I've never played against you before now that I think about it," Kaiser said. You looked to him as you nodded your head, "oh yeah...that's true. Well aren't we in a bit of a sticky situation." Kaiser looks to you before he runs his fingers through his hair and shrugs his shoulders, "just go with the flow. I'll take the lead of course."

You stare at him before you roll your eyes, "of course you will, besides, I don't expect you to believe in passing anyways." He stares at you and grins as you let out a sigh and rubbed your head. "How do I play..." you look to Kaiser before you huff.

"What?" he asks as he looks to you, recognising the expression you had on your face. You stayed silent for a few seconds before you spoke up again. "You score the goals, I'll pass the ball to you...since I doubt your defence is better than mine," you say to him. Kaiser stares at you before he bites his lip slightly, "sounds good to me." You let out a soft huff, "I doubt you even have the word 'pass' in your vocabulary."

Kaiser grinned as he winked at you, "I do have it - but it's only used for yelling at others to pass to me." You scoff at his words as you roll your eyes and look to the other 6, calling out to them, "you guys ready?" Kaiser watches you as you speak in Japanese, a language he still had no idea of except for a few common phrases.

The other 6 stop their conversation as they look to you before nodding their head, Yukimiya giving you a small smile, "we're ready when you are." You nod your head in response before turning to face Kaiser, "alright, c'mon. You start at the left and I'll steal the ball. Get ready to sprint okay." He looks at you before giving you a slight nod of his head, now quiet, he walks towards his position as you turn around to get into your own position. As you walk towards the centre you're met with the spiky dark blue haired boy. You let out a breath through your mouth, letting your shoulders sag as you tilt your head upwards to meet his gaze, extending your hand to him, "to a good game."

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now