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Warnings: none

(Y/N) steps into the indoor training field to see Bachira dribbling a ball and talking to Isagi. The two of them notice her, and Bachira drops his ball. He smiles brightly at her, "(L/N)-SANNNNNNN. TRAIN WITH US." She winces slightly in response, not expecting him to be so cheery. Although she knew a great deal of football players, none of them were as cheery as the boy in front of her. It was refreshing. She glances at Isagi and Bachira, 'this would be the optimal time to test them out.' She looks at the two and nods her head, "alright bring it on." 

"But (L/N)-san, aren't you wearing casual clothes? Wouldn't that hinder your movements?" Isagi asks her. She sends him a smile, "Don't worry about me, Isagi, I'll be perfectly fine. Also, please call me (Y/N). Thinking about it, people calling me '(L/N)-san' makes me feel odd." The two of them nod their heads. She stretches her arm while making her way towards the two of them. "Alright then, shall we do this as a 2 v 1? First, to score a goal wins. No rules. Do whatever you want." She looks at Bachira pointing at him, "you and Isagi against me."

Bachira grins, and Isagi's eyes widen at her words. She stretches once more and lets out a sigh. Looking at the two, placing her hands on her hip, "what are you waiting for? Bring it."

The two snap to reality, and Bachira is the first to get moving, Isagi following right after him. She gave them a short head start before running after them. She reached Bachira, who was in possession of the ball, and Bachira's eyes widened, trying to feign the direction of the ball. But her eyes were sharp. The moment she saw Bachira's legs leave a small opening, she swiped the ball away. She kicked the ball towards her goal post. Sending it not so far, however , would take quite a while for it to land due to it being sent in a high arc. Giving her time to run after the ball. She rushed after it, in both of the corners of her eyes, she saw both Isagi and Bachira rushing after the ball. She smirked, watching the ball land a few metres in front of her. Isagi and Bachira close by, but not as close as she was. She rushes and dribbles it towards her goal before slowing down and pulling her leg back right before she does a power shot. Which landed straight in the middle of the goal.

She stopped, arms on her hips once again and breathing slightly heavier than she usually does. The other two froze on spot in bewilderment at the way she shot such a clean goal and so far away from it, too. "WOAHHHH. (Y/N)-CHAN THAT WAS FANTASTIC," she heard Bachira scream. Before she knew it, the boy's hands were around her shoulders, and he was hugging her from the back. Her eyes widen, and Isagi walks towards the both of them, "Bachira...I don't think (Y/N) is comfortable with you touching her like that."

She smiles as Bachira apologises and gets himself off of her. She chuckles, "it's fine. My teammates used to do that to me, too." Bachira stared at you in awe, "that was so cool (Y/N)-chan! It was so fast, like all of a sudden BOOM! You have to teach me how to do-"

But the boy was interrupted by an announcement which told them to return to their rooms. The two look at her, "awh, it looks like we have to go back to our rooms now...ah well next time~" Isagi stays quiet and smiles before waving goodbye to her and walking away, Bachira trailing his steps. She sighs and looks at the ball in front of her. She supposed she could kill some time, and she needed to brush up on her footwork. 

⊱ ────── {⋅.  .⋅} ────── ⊰

She found herself in Ego's room, watching him eat his dinner, "...it's 5 in the fucking morning. What is it you need from me and it better be good." She glares at him even though the man refused to look at her and was busy eating his instant noodles. She had just fallen asleep a few minutes before an alarm sounded in her room making her scramble awake. Only to hear Ego's irritating voice fill the room, "come to my room. I have something I need to tell you." Still drowsy she had just changed into a t-shirt too big for her and shorts before walking to Ego's room which was right beside hers. Time passed by faster than she expected and by the time she was satisfied, it was 3 a.m. and she was sticky with sweat. So it took her half an hour to cool down and shower and an extra 15 minutes to fall asleep in bed, not caring to blow her hair.

𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖎𝖙 {𝖇𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗}Where stories live. Discover now